Rainbow Bright Eyes

I was looking at some pictures of people that have their thighs done w/Halo scenes earlier. Are you thinking of staying within Halo or adding in other series?

What is your tattoo of from the game? I don't play because I have no hand-eye coordination, but I love watching my husband play.

Enjoy your break! We'll be here tomorrow if Florida wants to hang. :-)

I read the title and immediately thought "Please don't be from Texas, please let another state monopolize today in dill-hole news."

Well... That's good in that your tooth seems saved! I've never heard of an outer tooth infection. I hope you're feeling better! Happy Thursday!

Is your tooth feeling better? Could the dentist do something right away? Hope it's way better by today!

Yes! Also used to signal to my husband, "bloated!" Or "No way we're having sex soon."

Also, who cares what her kiddo wants to wear. He still rocks the lipstick and the world needs more parents who let their children make their own decisions/try new stuff. That's good parenting!

My take-away: everyone recognizes orange crush as the premium orange soda!

Well, if that is somehow what you end up being diagnosed with- I'm here with relative experience on that front :-)

(Sorry, I feel like an asshat for even mentioning it)

Have you tried a heating pad smashed against the side of your face?

Anytime- stay strong! Your kiddos are lucky you have such strength.

Do you know that your tooth is actually abscessed?

I am so sorry you are going through this, but you are so brave. I don't have advice specific to this situation, but: just breathe. I'm sorry if that sounds ridiculous, but when it gets to be too much, breathe in and out. Make yourself a list, on paper or on your phone, of all the things you mentioned above that you're

I truly adore you for using law and order knowledge (and admitting it).

ADD Vagina is the best way I've ever heard that put! Thank you for a better way to say it!

I did see something a few years ago about a small porn company run by women, with movies directed and written by women. I don't remember if it was specific to the lesbian porn market (I'm pretty sure I probably stepped all over correct phrasing there- I apologize in advance), but the thing I took away from it was that

If you don't mind me asking, What did you think of/how well did the Botox work for you? I'm considering it for a nerve thing in my face, but I've also got the chronic migraines.
