Rainbow Blinky Cat

Even if she gets rejected Trump will nominate someone worse.

Well, that’s disappointing. I was really hoping the Obamas would not be going the nepotism-gets-our-kids-a-cushy-fluff-job-in-media-that-they-have-zero-qualifications-for route.

As this article seems to be largely an attempt at defending the past administrations policy and damning the one that started 1 hour ago, I will only point out that, even as such, it is poorly thought out. One can basically stop reading after this early sentence “His coordinated efforts with the European Union to

Does it require a special controller?

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

This is horrifying.

+1 ew

They had to wait for someone to leak it.

Your premise is flawed if you think art should always be about most efficient tools.

I wish this would stop being called a fucking fantasy. These fuckers raped and murdered a child, full stop.

In addition, federal resources should be deployed expeditiously to protect people and property in the area of violent protests to help support state and local law enforcement efforts.

This probably couldn’t be much of a bigger FUCK YOU to Native people short of involving Howitzers.

I don’t think it works. sure its publicity but the whole skit comes off as condescending to me.

So, ill tell you what i want... What i really REALLY want...

The real challenge is to know what you really want.

I have still never seen it, and I play 3v3 reasonably often (maybe 2 or 3 a day).

“You can cut corners.” The sentence every Ferrari owner likes to hear.