Rainbow Blinky Cat

That was actually pretty calm and reasonable for Alec Baldwin. Low bar, I know. But still not very different from what a lot of commenters here were saying here when the story broke.

This is exactly why I rarely play anymore. I loved the single player and was excited for the online. Now, if I venture on for a bit, I’m immediately killed multiple times and have to watch these sweet cars fly all over the map while I try to do missions to get my bank account over $100k. Blows.

My biggest problem with GTA V is if you’re not 100% fully invested in only playing that game, you never get anywhere. It takes way to long to amass enough money to enjoy the online portion of the game. (The cool vehicles at least.)

Ah, another example of Christian love and tolerance. Per usual.

So if Im correctly interpreting this giant wall of aggressive crazy correctly, basically the story here is that she skipped work while her boss was out of town and her boss fired her when she found out?

Well goddamn, what a travesty! Who could have possibly seen that coming except literally everyone that has ever had

Not disagreeing. Law violations are law violations though. If I’m on private property and am caught, they’re not going to let me camp out.

I mean, any undocumented immigrant living in the US has violated a law, even if it’s only a civil violation.

Have they tried offering clean drinking water to anyone with information?

Very few people are entirely 100% blind. I’m completely blind on my left eye and have 20/200 vision in my right and I often just use the “blind” shorthand for myself. I know a lot of people who can only see light and color and refer to themselves as blind. I think we should all leave Stevie Wonder alone.

If you’re a federal, state, or local employee, you probably enjoy greater protections for political speech than you would if you’re a private employee.

I definitely appreciate that frigates are still viable (and even very fun) at all levels of the game. I have fond memories of strapping into a Maulus and joining a kamikaze swarm of similar ships to buzz a trio of sieged Dreadnoughts that were pounding on our Fortizar citadel, in order to buy a few precious seconds

Its also a real world strategy for attacking large heavily defended targets. There is significant concern that carrier battle groups could be overwhelmed and destroyed by dozens of small ships each carrying a few small missiles.

A lot of things are obvious once someone has figured it out.

Unless I read this wrong; all religions regardless of faction are strictly defined as cults.

Because it’s been proven that harsh sentences decrease drug use and trafficing in the general population, right? They’re making this decision based on solid research, right? Not racism and bigoted stupidity?

It’s so fucking hard not to actually hate all the libertarian bros and broettes who said Trump wouldn’t give a shit about marijuana and the war on drugs.

This is disastrous and exactly why we fought so hard against Sessions. This, combined with the anti-protest and “blue lives matter” laws, is how they are propping up the oligarchal kleptocratic dictatorship. Everyone will suffer, especially black, brown, and indigenous people, not to mention the mentally ill and

Preston, thank you so much for this piece. It is disgusting to think that somebody could be so careless and demonstrate such disregard for another person’s bodily and sexual autonomy. I am appalled at the lack sex education, respect and ignorance that people display. Stealthing is absolutely sexual assault, make no

But... it is evidence of intent. If I build a secret compartment into my car that is only opened by a series of knobs and levers moved in a precise pattern and it’s loaded with coke, it’s pretty obvious what my intent was. Same with installing a switch for the purpose of rolling coal. I’m not aware of any other

I’m a woman. I’m also trans. I was circumcised. That’s by definition female genital mutilation. GTFOH if you want to pretend they’re apples and oranges. Stopping people from slicing up children’s genitals isn’t a zero sum game.