Texas: Everyone
Texas: Everyone
i would like to read the inverse transcript.
faceless data is not faceless data.
fox sure seems to be getting a ton of free press with this guy.
if i was an investor who decided to invest in a company that was going to be ‘supported til profitability”, as a shareholder i would be betting on the tech and energy sectors to alleviate the market-dependant expenses of the venture at some point. moving to a fuelless, A.I. fleet at some point would negate the…
Best Value! (0% discount)
“the right thing” obviously in this case means that he is going to make sure himself and future presidents can flourish nepotism in front of “all the poors” they represent.
i knew someone’s grandpappy that was an extremely heavy drinker his entire life. it kinda looks like bannon’s face (not saying any connection exists).
“the art of political spending” - bribes. this is language for bribes.
this is just the natural progression of the used game industry once the internet happened.
Is this real life?
I thought ghostbusters already came out?
the truck wedge looks like the one from the mythbusters series finale
“This is a $175 million public project,” said Smith. “We as a city were changed last September ... This is an opportunity for us to have a really large investment and think through how do we do it differently?”
87 million that dumped into the pockets of some shitty sports company?
Holy shit Gawker, someone hired Otto Dietrich to ghost write for your editors.
russia treats human individuality as a curse to be rolled over with tanks.
no. full stop.
do i pirate? no, on ethical reasons.
do i think the RIAA and MPAA should be turned into tiny cubes and launched into the sun for their douchebaggery sine the internet began?