Rainbow Blinky Cat

i don’t care what race someone is, i don’t care what kind of noise it is, if i hear their bullshit from inside my house, im gonna tell them about it.

after that “you’re in, you’re in, you’re in”... bit, I laughed the best laugh I had laughed in a long time and genuinely had a panicky thought that we are all going to die...

Obviously the only way to prevent protesters from walking into oncoming traffic on purpose, is to instill the fear of god into them by making it legal for the public to mow them down on the way to church.

1. The government is “for the people, by the people”.

But you can’t support the troops and be for national health care; that’s illegal in this country.

Dear everyone,

“In our roles, we will address the issue of job creation, natural resource management, health care, education, public safety and housing in Indian communities.”

The best way to kill the privatized prison complex is to make them follow the law out of their own pocket.


this might be cool, but the first horse costume and im out.

the democrats had 40 years to not suck.

How do you effectively and efficiently tell someone to back the fuck up out of your business, when they are convinced that by scorching the earth under your feet, they are really “saving your soul”?

performing for people you hate and love is apolitical.

Now playing

His latest moves against Israel makes me wonder if he isn’t a Muslim after all.

“not believing” and “higher education” are not mutually exclusive categories.

“I’m not racist, I’m FUNNY!”

Is the cost of an electric car 90% battery?

maybe, but most rich people could be trying to funnel the tides into their own special ‘tide preservation zones’ where only them and their friends get to enjoy the tides after all the tides have been pumped away by all the rich people.

and here i thought clinton lost because she is a very sneaky and secretive warmonger that fanned the flames of global conflict for her personal gain.

i have those same motorcycle gloves with the pouch on the back for waterproof glove covers that beastboy is wearing.