Rainbow Blinky Cat

“i have no idea”

50 loot crates are 40$

mmmmm almond milk

it seems russia doth protest too much.

some days i feel that the US is being taken over by stupid people from other countries for our untapped resources. then i remember that no.... americans are plenty stupid enough to have let this happen.

what if people stopped calling their stuff the exact names of the stuff they were emulating parodying paying homage to?

my first thought was, “good for him, he probably deserves all that praise”.

walls are not loud.

I understand where he is coming from, I just can’t afford to share his viewpoint.

at this point the only thing i can think of about this game, is that they have my triple-A game money, hopefully it will come close to a AAA-game someday.

I see it this way.

quick, everyone go log back into myspace for the first time since you made an account. Tom probably has a million messages waiting just for you!

so, by your logic all new computers can never emulate old computers?

autoplay is cancerous to my sanity

i remember just this morning he saved 700 acres.

These youtubers are the equivalent of people standing outside movie theaters shouting out the endings to all the movies, and calling their interpretation of it ‘art’ (because why not), then getting pissed off when the theaters and movie studios have something to say about it.

Billy hatchin those eggs

42 years later, and we have both fear AND warmongering saturating our media.

yes. quite right. absolutely deplorable.

BRB going to try using coke for coolant