Rainbow Blinky Cat

Your post is thoughtful and poignant.

No. I strictly respect people’s rights to practice religion.

is it wrong if i thought that someone could make money with these in San Francisco?

Half-Life 3 confirmed.

I trust Carl about this for some reason.

if these are silicone real doll-type models, then 4 million seem slike a lowball number for some reason.

This lawsuit leads me to believe the Oxford Dictionary people could sue everyone on the planet for everything at once for all eternity.

less detail = faster, cheaper production

Original recipe WildBerry

stop it you are both making me sad.

NPR reviews a space-sim.

I heard the NY Times was going to run this on their front page, but somehow it got replaced by an ad for slimfast instead.

I bought this game based off the premise that I could seamlessly fly from planet to planet in a System, then have trillions of stars to choose from with a loose goal of “maybe theres a creamy questy center”.

i think you doth protest too much, maybe?

what stress?

i have seen the sightings list change several times while i was checking it out. same kind of pokemon show up as before, but now it just kinda rotates through them? maybe it changes based on who is catching them nearby, but it seems much faster than before.

now it only takes 1 pokeball to catch a ratatatatatatatatat thank god

This does nothing to address the reasons they made pidgeys and ratatatatatatatas need 10 balls to catch.

Eventually in order to fix tracking, server issues, and fun and meaningful gameplay, they will take away custom clothing, team colors, reduce the teams from red/blue/yellow to a single “Team Purple” (colors will look pink), res items, heal items, the rest of the items, pokeballs, eggs, pokemon, and eventually naming