Rainbow Blinky Cat

Niantic also made Ingress, and that game chewed through batteries with hardly any graphics whatsoever. (the locations and pictures for the gyms and spots were directly imported from Ingress by players across the world that submitted them as they expanded the global network. Pokemon Go is like a re-skin of Ingress

Should Tekken Keep Its Ridiculous Joke Characters?

My favorite HotPockets are the ones that are soggy before unwrapping, from thawing under studio lights for 4 hours.


Steam is a store and nothing more.

my speaker’s sound went to poop after i upgraded.

I drank milk my whole life, tried Lactaid for a few months and noticed positive changes when it came to my digestion.

i love the emotes.

this is why I turn off voice and mics, and treat new people like AI bots.

This is really, really, cool!

this is the zelda game i have been hoping for.

What the fuck is “Toxic Masculinity”?

in line.

i try to reserve my vote for the last second so i can see if i can tip any scales. especially if they are my scales.

nothin tracer has that lucio’s speed can’t help anyone else counter

I have more hours into Lucio than any other character.

Empyrion - Galactic Survival
I tried this game when it was free, got me hooked enough to pay for it to keep playing my character. It is a little rough around the edges, but right now it has:

I have reached the age where I can can get the freshest and entertainingliest scoop on technology, female rights, hollywood, cars, general interest news, cool videos, and futanari/bestiality gaming porn.


reese’s pieces taste different than reese’s PBC.... according to someone I know with a PBC obsession and hates the pieces.