Rainbow Blinky Cat

I use bigger words than most 14 year olds know.

because anyone takes offense to anything, and the religious and prude take the most offense to everything.

because if theres something to be taken offense to, someone will make sure to be offended.

except for the part where you play art critic, and try to tell everyone “fuck this guy in particular” for doing something hes been doing for many years, you are right on point.

I get exactly what you are saying, but it doesn’t matter. It relies on groupthink as a scapegoat for personal responsibility.

I like when people pretend that nudity is a bad thing, and displaying nudity hurts people.

considering the creation of any artwork is the explicit objectification of the subject, what in particular about women volunteering to participate in an unclothed picture, falls in line of your narrow definition (hung with negative connotations) of objectification?

Goddamn right!
Fuckin Venus De Milo, wut?

In other news, Fox cancels the eagerly awaited season 2 of Firefly because it did not have an ROI of 45% the first season.

I wonder what year it will be before we get restroom TSA and penis-detectors at the entrance to restrooms.

As a white person, seeing a white actress play this role infuriates me. Even if that actress is ScarJo. It make me actually want to not watch this, because it is a harbinger that this will just be a generic summer action flick with an iconic manga/anime series title stapled to it as an afterthought to bring in

i have an original Gen1 PSP i haven’t touched since the Gen2 came out. I should boot it up just to see what EMU games i was playing back then were.

Maybe it was all the risque lingerie photos they disapproved of.
Nintendo is quite fierce with their entire “Family Values” schtick, and she might have violated a decency clause.

That piece might be the best thing i have read in 10 years.

This is the view from my window 7 days ago.
Today, 95% of that snow is gone and at 37 degrees people are wearing shorts and T-shirts while out walking their pets.

They should have some sort of green-light split amongst the levels if they are worried about crap levels mucking up the selection of decent levels.

autoplay = no plz

I hate McDonalds breakfast. I wish they served their dinner menus 24/7 instead.

If some asshole is riding my ass as close as that in the fast lane, you better believe i will brake-check the fuck out of them.

i need an article on how to deal with a military boss that goes home with their favorite slackers at 4:30pm while expecting you stay till 8pm every day to cover for their incompetence.