
This is old news.... I'm not trying to make a joke here about it being from the '70s. I mean, this video has popped up in Oppo on and off for months. Maybe years.

Can you send me one of the seats from it or something? You know... for science!

Again, Mr. Romney?

This is why I want to be rich. Most people would splurge on a nice Gallardo or a simple Corvette. I can't blame them. Everyone wants a flashy sports car, and I'm no exception. But if I really had the money? I'd sooner import something like this Toyota Will Cypha. Hell, I'd fill my garage entirely with

They built it, huh? Sort of like how I totally rebuilt my Mustang when I changed the oil.

Some people just shouldn't be allowed to drive...

It looks like Marilyn Manson's cheekbones.

You sure that's not a Veilside-"tuned" VX220/Speedster?

I was hoping for "Animal" when I saw Miike Snow... Don't get me wrong; of course that's generally the most expected thing from him. But not for Forza. That would be a fun song for Forza. Oh well.

Never mind. I didn't read the original article.

I counted three hits. The white and brown Crown Vics each hit one, at least.

I think she has more plastic in her than the car.

As someone who has been hit by a trailer while biking, I have to say I'm proud of this asshat for at least NOTICING the cyclists. Still, what a dick.

That's not a tan Ciera. You cannot make a Fargo car that isn't a tan Ciera.

My guess is the car belongs to his mom or older sister. I do realize different people have different tastes, but I can't imagine a 16-year-old boy choosing a white Beetle if he got to have a new car.

I think a GIF of that girl at 0:54 is mandatory.

I was appalled, but then I saw that he's sorry. Now it's okay.

Really wish I got to see this. Although, I do recognize the obnoxious blue color of the camera guy's car. I bet I've seen all of these guys at some point.

Exactly. I hope they're let off alright. Definitely didn't do anything wrong.

When getting sideways is not enough.