
Crap, good call.

I think #10 is the Mercedes 230E. Just judging by how Top Gear said they're all over the place in Africa. Not sure what the other lines would mean, though...

Oh, awesome! The Airstream definitely does count, as everyone's said. Very beautiful.

I wish I could think of anything better to ask, but what car/s do you drive now?

Yeah, definitely. They should use those electric FedEx trucks as a platform for buses, or something.

Warning: Pointless rant ahead.

That's how I see it as well.

I was watching this at dinner yesterday. The only part I cared for at all was when that Saab passed the Dodge. Then they switched around again and everything was boring. Again.

I've seen two so far. Both were Scions. Very cool indeed.

Honestly, the Nissan Quest. Just from looking at them, it looks like the perfect platform for a DIY pickup truck. I just have no idea where all the rigidity is in there, but with how cheap they can be on Craigslist I kind of hope it doesn't need its roof to stay intact. It would definitely make for a fun project if I

I know that it can fall out, but I mean that would totally disable the car right then and there. Unless this all happened in an instant, you'd think someone would get out there and move the drive shaft.

How does a drive shaft end up in the road anyway? Don't you kind of need that? I mean, you'd think the weight would be enough to hold it into a truck or onto a trailer by friction at least... I dunno. I just have a feeling this guy doesn't actually know what she hit.

And in my area specifically, Jeep Wranglers. They are EVERYWHERE. All the high-school douchebags have them. I mean that literally. If you go to any local high school during the school year, at least one in five cars in the student lot will be a Jeep.

You'll never guess what state I live in.

The tall pedal goes and the wide pedal stops and the one on the left is what makes a Jalop.

Unoccupied? Isn't the dude with the striped shirt getting out of it at 0:20?

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

I've seen that color before...

Those rims are 13"s, right?

Now playing

Drag racing does not usually involve turning straight toward a forest.