
If anything, though, it seems almost instinctive in this case. Like you don't even need to think at all.

Assuming he was wearing his seat belt, he would have had at least enough time to start thinking somewhat straight again.

Why the hell would he get out on that side?? Look at how it's leaning. Would you seriously want to put your weight farther from the fulcrum while also positioning your entire body directly where the car would crush it if it did fall in that direction? Even if his head got bashed around in the crash, it seems like

I didn't get to see it live because my sister insisted that she needed to play the Sims for five hours straight last night. I need my own computer.

If you look at the driver's side view, you can actually see it moving. Significantly. I give it two hours, or less if the link keeps spreading.

It's going to bounce around on that bungee cord. It won't be destroyed... much. It will probably be a mechanical nightmare by the time it gets to the winner.

This reminds me of what my dad used to say: "Tie your laces tighter or you're going to trip one of these days!"

Right back atcha. Not sure why I hadn't, either.

What appears to be. But maybe it's a "sleeper cab." :D

Maybe they'll average it out and call it a 1997? ._.

I like the automatic transmission much in the same way a dog likes a shock collar or a Crip likes a Blood.

Well, alright then. I am glad to have had this nice, productive discussion.

Wait, did it change just now or did I read it wrong? I could swear it said "the imports that went to the states."

Technically, it should say either "the imports that came from Germany." or "the exports that went to the states."

Imagine getting a whole subdivision of car enthusiasts who all pitch in for the cost of a section of track in their own back yard, which links together with all the rest and a bridge over the neighborhood's entrance road to create a massive track of massive awesome coolness.

Er.. Wait... Never mind.

I do ride a bike, and I have honestly encountered so many more horrible drivers while doing so than I have seen horrible riders while driving. That said, I have probably seen proportionally more drivers than riders with the good ones included. It's just a stupid illusion why a lot of cyclists assume drivers are all

God damn, people, these attitudes are only going to make cyclists do the things you're claiming that they do. The percentage of asshat bikers is about the same as asshat drivers. Besides, bikes used roads before cars even existed. They're not invading our territory; it's the other way around.

As much as I agree, it's really not only cars... Not even close. Any common interest can easily be enough. I've been good friends with this one guy for three years, despite the fact that he has insisted on multiple occasions that I am going to hell, and that I have retorted on multiple occasions that his hell does not

Hat tip to meee. :D