
Three died yesterday? Where did I hear twelve? This number is definitely better, as bad as it still is. I hope it's the correct one.

Not just a new day, my good Turbolence, but the best day ever (I hope)! I was supposed to be getting my license, but.... Well, I don't wanna talk about it. Anyway, now I'm going to the K-Mart Hot Wheels collectors' event thing, which I've been to once before and really liked, and then, as you mentioned, SEASON

It really is scary how these things happen. I went to an air show once. I know fully well that all the people who lost their lives in that accident were excited in the days leading up to the event, woke up that morning eagerly waiting to leave, and arrived at the show full of happiness and satisfaction that they were

Yeah, I wasn't saying we believed it was a true tragedy. I just mean that none of us would have expected an example of a real one to come just one day later. Maybe naive is the wrong word, but whatever.

Yesterday, the loss of a particular model of car was called a tragedy.

And the bulge itself is too symmetrical and perfect to have been caused by an asymmetrical rat.

Worse than that is when people ship ponies with the wrong parts.

My local police department opted out of using Crown Vics long ago, but now that their chance to go back is gone forever, I can't help but wish they could just be here now...

Maybe if I show this to my friend he'll shut up about how much he wants one. Owning a Fiat because it's a Fiat was only cool when we didn't get Fiats. -_- If I wanted a hot hatch, which I do, I'd prefer a good ol' Mini Cooper.

I looked at the last picture again and actually got a little bit teary-eyed. This is sad. Just very, very sad.

That would probably cost more than the car would be worth. Unfortunately, the majority of this will end up as scrap metal.

I actually just got back from a British car show, and I have to say this is super disappointing. Almost all the cars I saw today were given a second chance at life when they were purchased by someone who loved them, but no matter what happens, they will come to an end sometime.

"At the time, he was upset, about plans for a mosque..."

But the comment has no content other than a correction, sort of. It's good, but not in the same way as the COTDs have always been.

Pretty sure that's a Lambob, dudepants.

That's a bit excessive, don't you think?

Pretty sure that's from a Lambo, dude.

It's also one of those rare cars that look horribly awful with European license plates.

Nope, but all of my family is from there. I was actually born in Georgia and still live here, but I know more about Michigan than this place.