
Actually.... In the '60s there were hippies, the '70s brought disco and stuff, the '80s were all about video games and other new electronics, then the '90s came and everyone decided to stop being happy, and in the 2000s they only got worse and descended into selfish douchebags. That's the only trend I can associate

The French get everything right. Unless it's mechanical. (And not a Renault)

It's actually grey, but Home Depot calls it silver.


Not soon enough. I'm sick of people mourning him.

Crashing is just another part of racing. He could have avoided it if he was paying enough attention.

The green guy is unnecessarily mad there. The pink guy was going to help him pick up his bike but then he just went off on him. I mean, sure it was the pink guy's crash to begin with, but it was his own bike's fault for getting its throttle stuck in the pink bike.

The MR2 has only been getting uglier by the generation, so this is nothing new.

Guys, it's because the Ranger is built with love. And there's a very short supply of that in today's auto industry.

Good point, but I thought it was still a bit more distant? Or am I just being stupid here?

I guess that is true. And you do make an excellent point about the loading. A counterpoint would be that you can move the lift somewhere to load it, but with its massive size and tiny wheels, your truck can go everywhere it can, and much more easily, too. And if your truck can't go there, you can always buy a smaller

Don't hate me, but I have to go with Mad Max for this one. Their ideas were all good, but they made no effort to change the appearance of the cars other than just apocolypse-ing them. Did the people in charge of putting the vehicles together decide that cars were totally perfect at that moment and that they would

And Tanner Foust spoofed that with these guys.

The headlights do. The rest... Not at all.

When a car is only available as a coupe, you make it into a hatch. When a car is only available as a hatch, you leave it alone. Got that, Mini?

Exactly what I was thinking. I also fail to see the point of building a picnic table. And wouldn't you need to buy two lifts in order to have enough panels to do that?

What a douche. I hope he's the guy who died with Ryan Dunn and that he had a whole 20-pack of Hot Wheels, box and all, in his large intestine at the time.

Ugh, yeah. The coupe gets all the glory, the sedan does whenever they feel like making the 'world's fastest' claim, but then the wagon gets nothing at all. And it's the sexiest of the three.

Exactly why I hate the CTS-V coupe. I'd rather have a fast sedan, because sedans aren't supposed to be fast. The coupe is just too normal.

Pickup trucks typically look much nicer than, say, your average pre-2005 Honda Civic. It's really sad when people who know nothing about anything end up in positions with that much power.