
You're not getting my point. Why do you feel "a little sad" for this guy but you don't even know the names of anyone else who died in that tornado? The simple answer is you don't care enough. This glamorizes everything about him and makes him more important than the rest of them. I bet you eat beef every day, but if a

I don't own a car and I don't have any friends. The answer for me is all the ones in Forza 3. That's all I can do all summer..... Every summer.....

If you felt sorrow for every single person who dies, you yourself would die of grief immediately after you were born. Be honest: If you totaled your car by hitting and killing a deer, what would make you sad? The car. Because it's yours. It's personal. Hell, if your friend told you his grandpa died, you'd still feel

That kid is going to get in trouble in school on Monday. "A guy was driving a truck in my house and he was naked and my daddy hit him with a hammer!"

Exactly. This brings to mind a wonderful quote: "When I die, I'd rather people ask why I have no monument than why I have one." [I heard that Carl Sagan said it, but I've seen it attributed to other people so I'm not sure who to cite]

People die every day. The difference is this kid had a fanbase. I don't shed a tear for any of the random 'normal' people who are dying right now, so I don't see any reason to care about this. Sure it's sad he died so young, but, again, that happens every day. A kid at my school was killed in a car wreck earlier this

What? He fixed it now, but I was pointing out that he spelled Lancia wrong.

And wherever there is no pooling or dripping, there is excessive orange peel that he claims was for a "textured effect."

Holy crap, I didn't notice that. And the worst part is I doubt it's the same red. It's probably different enough that you can immediately tell he did it himself when the window is down or the door is open.

He painted over the reflective bits of his headlights... I think that's worse.

First there was that custom-designed track car coming through the wall of someone's kitchen on Top Gear. Then a guy made a Countach in his basement and we saw him dig a hole to get it out right here. Now we're looking at a whole airplane coming out of a makeshift "door." What's next? "Local Man Builds RV in his

What is a Lanica Stratos, Matt?

Me entire collection of Hot Wheels cars are hanging from my bedroom walls right now. They cover it so well that I forgot what color the walls actually are.

Can you guys learn what a comma splice is and stop using them? Kthxbai.

He's most definitely only looking in the direction of her back, not her butt, and probably not specifically to see it.

"Oh no, now I can't work and I have no way to get home to see if my family is okay."

The thumbnail looked a tiny bit like Mitchell Davis, and my heart probably stopped for a minute.

No, it would be better if he slammed on his brakes as soon as he hit them. Obviously at least one of them screamed, and he certainly would have felt it.

I think everyone in that video is a moron. The SUV's driver kept right on driving and evidently never noticed he was on top of a toddler, the mom definitely didn't need to be there (as has been mentioned) and her friend didn't even seem to care. She just watched and then walked over as if to say "Really, Regina,

That is actually a really awesome ad. xD If they seriously consider that, I hope they use your design exactly as it is.