
It didn’t just make PCs vulnerable to malware, it actually installed malware in the system32 folder.


I’d say the first season of the anime is the best that GitS has ever been.

That Deathnote movie is fucking awful.

I’m not saying it’s going to be bad, but nobody has been able to make a decent live action adaptation of an anime. That goes for Japanese filmmakers as well.(Attack on Titan) If it does well, I’ll be glad things are headed in the right direction, but if it goes unnoticed after release and gets a lukewarm 6/10 and

Motoko’s cybernetic body isn’t Asian, it’s never been Asian.

CG Resident Evil Movies >>>> Live Action Resident Evil Movies.

Why would Nintendo need to make new versions of the one with interchangeable faceplates?? They just make new faceplates. o_____o

This article reads like the mad ramblings of the average youtube commenter who attended some journalistic writing classes.

Because Momotaru Dentetsu franshise also sold for more than a half of the entire metroid franchise?

And every picture I’ve seen she looks like she’s wearing a $5 wig she picked up from party city.

I saw a bit of Commander Shepard and his special eyes, myself.

And now the gif, since Kinja apparently hates me.

Looks like a glitched Fallout 3 NPC.

And “major” wearing a bra and one can see the straps...

I think Peter is done playing the role of a helpful robot.

fail fail fail...

I’m guessing some smart ass writer or studio exec thought that the human/cyborg relationship that Batou and the major have would contrast more if Batou was completely human.

Its funny that in the home console thing, Sony is definitely the one with the most common sense while Nintendo does stupid shit, but on the handheld side of things Nintendo looks to understand everything and Sony is just retarded.