
It’s just a matter of people shrugging of information they did not deem important. Like the distinction between who developed the main Pokemon games and who developed Pokemon GO. They substitute it with the closest thing that comes to mind, and that’s usually Nintendo.

Remember how everyone was like, “Eeew, microtransactions”? Now everybody and their mom loves [legitimate] DLC, extra lives, efficient play at the cost of coins, etc.

Somewhat-related complaint:

Nintendo isn’t rushing to push out a new Metroid because they don’t sell the way Nintendo would like them to when you factor in development and marketing cost. It’s probably the weakest selling of their core franchises.

I don’t get all the hate for this. It’s still a Nintendo game and they almost always turn out to be a good time. I loved the Blast Ball demo, and I know I’ll have tons of fun playing through this game. I’m sure Nintendo has lots of surprises in store during the game.

The Nigeria thing was what I was referring to. Though it also was caused by them having bad intel on what Crossbones’ target would be, with them having set up for a quick and easy takedown if he attacked the police station. That his true target was a biological weapons lab was something that seemed completely

One of the biggest problems with the Marvel movies, for me, is that they all build up to a big fight where everyone hits a lot of guys you don’t care about. Soldiers, Chitauri, Ultron clones, whatever. Sometimes it works because something else brings it together, like the fact that the fight against the Chitauri was

Vision (iirc) makes a point that since Tony created his suit more exceptional people and things started to pop up. So, since people love blaming others, you could absolutely blame everything on the Avengers: Thor put Earth in Loki’s sights, hence NYC; Project Insight was secretly steered by Hydra but justified as a

The only thing I felt the movie was missing was someone calling out Tony about his hypocrisy. Starks were the major source of just about every one of those tragedies used to justify the accords. Tony’s tech powered the portal for the alien invasion, SHIELD was co-founded with Howard, Howard recovered the Tesseract,

Well, considering that it being stolen didn’t tip any of the good guys off that the crash was no accident, my guess is Stark hadn’t told anyone about it - or if he’d told anyone, it was the wrong person. It was probably in the trunk because he wanted it off the books (like how Fury wanted the Guest House kept off the

And why does Howard have it in the back of his car, just driving it with his wife with no escort? Biggest headscratcher for me.

OK so now to address the loose end:

Well to be fair, Tony didn’t really make it easy with his “Shoot first ask questions later” manner.

Sebastian Stan is under a 9 film contract with Marvel, so they’re not nearly done with him yet.

You should ALWAYS be looking for fault after a tragedy. It’s the only way to establish what can be done to prevent future tragedies.

No, the teens didn’t deserve to die, but it was their fault they are dead. The cops don’t deserve to die because of the teens’ recklessness, either. Attempting a rescue would have been too dangerous, and I’m sure that “letting them die” was a difficult decision.

Funny. It’s been reported that Japan is the most racist nation by a stretch. They don’t have the same “ridiculous” values like the west, because they have different ridiculous values, just like anywhere else in the world.

Given the lessening sympathy I had for Kratos as the games went on, I would be open to a God of War game in which Kratos was the target.

He’s like one of those old war veterans who’ve convinced themselves that they had a great time trying not to get shot or blown up because it’s easier than carrying around a history of trauma.

“Pushing a mouse isn’t a hardship”, unless you working on productivity software I guess. That said, I have a hard time taking someone seriously who thinks of software development as ‘pushing a mouse’. “Using vim isn’t a hardship” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.