I’m not “grateful” to get a game I’m paying for. I’m happy I get it, don’t mind me, but because I should somehow be grateful that should prevent me from critically examining (or being skeptical of) the elements of the game?
I’m not “grateful” to get a game I’m paying for. I’m happy I get it, don’t mind me, but because I should somehow be grateful that should prevent me from critically examining (or being skeptical of) the elements of the game?
The author doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I literally stopped reading after that point.
He could have found the cure for cancer and a theory unifying quantum mechanics with special relativity and I wouldn’t know.
And neither should the rest of the world.
Because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
BvS is what happens when someone who obviously dislikes the concept of superheroes is given free reign to put to film his fanfic based on two popular DC comics storylines while simultaneously being required to forge a DC movie universe.
This is exactly why I mentioned Atlas Shrugged.
Actually, it has hurt it considerably:
You use the word “minimal” twice in that post and in both instances I can’t help but wonder what your justification is.
the prequels were the worst moments of star wars. the only thing that lucas did that had anything in common with the OGt was the fact he wanted to market a whole new toy collection.
This is a great article of satire.
I’m not sure I understand what you are arguing in regards to BvS. What is no different exactly? Could you clarify?
It seems that the narrative of negative reviews is that the film is poorly constructed, confusing, and lacking internal logic. The positive reviews of this film seem to completely ignore those arguments in favor of a focus that everybody is missing the bigger themes that Snyder dares to address.
Except The Dark Knight proved the superhero genre could be taken super serious and still be generally be liked by audiences and critics alike.
I think this article was supposed to be posted yesterday.
My big problem is not that these representations of these characters are bad per se; but that they are not the ones that really should part of their main canon. They would make a great sorta “Elseworld” telling after we have a number of movies under our belt. It actually felt like a better setup for something like…
As a DC and Batman fan, I am not associated with those people who claim to be fan and say “This movie is amazing! Marvel idiots just don’t get it!” Also here:
This is a terrible excuse for a hot take about a movie that’s got as much depth and value as Atlas Shrugged.
April Fools Day was yesterday.
Donald Trump isn’t like any other politician and that’s why he’s great
“Ang Lee’s Hulk, a forgotten classic”
If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.