Ravenous Sophovore

The entire direct was about previously announced games and they said so beforehand. So no, don’t think people would have complained.

everyone loves to take swipes at critics and say they want ‘opinions from rEaL GaMeRs’ or whatever, but that is the last thing I want.  At least with a reviewer, I have a body of work to fall back on and reference their opinion against.  A reviewer that I disagree with 90-100% of the time at least has some value as a


Wait, so you’re basically saying that we should totally allow “I’ve never played this game, but based on what I’ve heard here’s my official review”?

If we could only be so lucky that said douche disconnects from the internet forever...

You seem to be conflating opinions and reviews. A person’s opinion is a highly subjective thing, and can be molded from a great many things, including one’s personal biases, and is formed using whatever information a person has been subjected to. People can and often DO form opinions about things that they never

God damnit, now I gotta wait over an entire DAY before I can review bomb something because I hate trans people? What about my first amendment rights?!

Well, I’m allowing only two of my three cats to vote. I’m pretty sure the crazy one is a Trump supporter.

> I definitely don’t think the Military is that ingrained into US Society/Culture

90% seems good, but not if you keep moving the goalposts. If they’ve never met any of their original goals they set then can you really call it winning?


I don’t understand why they don’t just *actually* have giveaways... just a run of the mill, garden variety recruiter (speaking from the Navy) can spend a reasonable sum of money each month on things like meals for applicants and get it reimbursed. There’s no way a specialty recruiting approach like this can’t get a

You’re looking at this from the wrong angle. Twitch doesn’t have obligations per the ACLU, but the Army’s propaganda arm on Twitch certainly does

No, you couldn’t be more right. Many of us feel the same way here, but the military has so thoroughly entrenched themselves in the national psyche that it would take decades to reverse the fetishization. Their obssession with advertising (and the billions that have gone into it) is just the tip of the iceberg though.

My thoughts are I wasn’t taking about North Korea, and that whataboutism is a bad rhetorical move, and that Fascism isn’t defined in relation to other states.

Where’d you hear the bit about needing one of these special ID’s to vote? I don’t think that’s true.

This isn’t true at all. If you’ve watched any of the Marvel films you’ve watched military propaganda. The most “woke” Marvel films are the most guilty if this, with Captain Marvel being made in junction with the airforce and Black Panther featuring a CIA agent as a good guy in a film about an isolationist African

They’ve actually missed their goals a lot. In the last 20 years they missed 2 years by 10s of thousands, and in many of the other years they only hit ‘revised’ goals after lowering the goal by 10s of thousands. Basically their successful recruitment is a case of smoke and mirrors.

It was the worst feeling.

It’s not like he pre-checked it for pee-pees before going in there. He got lucky nothing was shown but he still went in there without any consent and with kids in the rooms. He broke the law before he was in the room.