Ravenous Sophovore

Ivanka is a federal employee and that Instagram post is a textbook ethics violation.

Fandom is just a form of tribalism, and it’s mostly toxic.  

I know I’m being a little harsh with my wording, but I firmly dislike people parroting ideas about European exceptionalism and all of the terrible romantic notions of Feudal life that comes with it.

First off, the concept of the ‘Enlightenment’ is an incredibly Eurocentric concept that has no bearing on Japanese lifestyles. Also, the ‘Enlightenment’ is more or less a historical myth used to propagate European superiority cultivated in the late 1800's and early 1900's as a justification for Imperialism.

What a stupid take. As others have said, there were plenty of positive things in this review, balanced with weak points because it’s clearly not a perfect game. You shouldn’t base your decision on just one review anyway, since games are a subjective artform, but the reviewers I follow and trust (including outlets like

This review said a lot of positive things about the game...

You know the writers have no control over the advertising, right?

Are you seriously under the impression that a single occurrence is equivalent to “most of the time it’s used?” How exactly does that logic work?

“At this point we don’t need to all wear masks so long as everyone does all these other things!”

When they complain about the things Fauci got wrong back in Feb-Apr, those are things that Trump is STILL getting wrong. How do you complain that Fauci was anti-masking the public early in the epidemic while praising Trump, who is basically still anti-making? Heads should be popping from this level of cognitive

Most of the time it is used, it is just the structure, not the actual words

Consider that this is a $60 game. This matters. They’re using a real life tragedy to market a video game.

Oh, let it rest. The paraphrasing does nothing to diminish the original quote

I think it is used so commonly that its use does not automatically evoke the holocaust, but I can definitely be wrong about that.

I mean....

Children were not gassed to death because they were communists...

The problem here isn’t that they’re making a game with a political message. It’s that they’re misappropriating a quote about the holocaust and using it as marketing material.  

I think that was just actual genocide. 

Cultural genocide? You mean the thing that happened to the indigenous peoples of North America?