Ravenous Sophovore

If it was super easy to ignore you would have never expended the energy to comment upon it. I think you meant to say it was super easy for you to not care about the implications of Ubisoft’s corporate culture.

Tropic Thunder has not aged badly at all. There is a difference between blackface for cruelty and blackface for satire. Tropic Thunders blackface was a part of the story, not just a throwaway joke, and fit in with the overall theme of mocking hollywood and self important actors. And it was repeatedly addressed during

This was my take as well. I love vikings as much as the next person, but at the same time, playing as them in a videogame as the heroes is a little weird. The dude was trying to place it like, “Obviously the Saxons also live in England and they don’t want you to take that land so they’re going to try to stop you,”

I prefer we edit him out of the White House instead.

I’m not sure he’s ever been able to drive a car.

Oh, yeah, Tell Me Why also looks really cool! And yup, they made Vampyr. Also did a an action game called Remember Me last gen that was truly unforgettable. Fact: Dontnod makes good games. High hopes for this one.

War crimes are war crimes. Commited by an extremely large, powerful, nearly unaccountable entity that can lay waste to entire countries if it’s told to. It does not wash away your own responsability because you are rank and file and not an officer.

His take had nothing to do with the intelligence of the average soldier/sailor/airmen/marine, and everything to do with our government’s complete failure to adequately support them once they are out of the military.

The U.S Army has a Twitch channel where the members of its esports team occasionally stream games...

the argument isn’t that individual soldiers are committing war crimes, it’s that the US military apparatus regularly commits war crimes as SOP.

The streamers chose to act as a liasons to a nation’s military via propaganda targeted at young people—up to and including minors--while also partaking in erasing valid points brought up regarding said military’s actions on foreign soil in the services of oligarchs.

This streamers are complicit in a us army propaganda campaign, so no.

Yep. Absolutely nothing sci-fi about time travel or stopping an apocalypse caused by its use.

“He couldn’t have taken a cognitive test, because they don’t have those tests. Also, I took a cognitive test and did very well.”

Why, he’s an expert at lion.  He does it multiple times daily.

Given that there’s no instruction manuals to pack in anymore, they should just go back to jewel-case sized boxes and bring back the black side-stripe that the PS1 discs had.

I still love physical purchases. I love having shelves and shelves filled with game cases. I've even bought empty replacement boxes for games I bought digitally on console.

“The greys are having a hard time understanding why this is a crime.”

The greys are having a hard time understanding why this is a crime.

Ok, I assume you are asking an honest question, so here goes.