Ravenous Sophovore

There’s no edge here, unless you brought it with you.

something that most of us do naturally, like being a nice person”

Matt Ryan or gtfo with that shit.

Imagine getting Thandie Newton for your Star Wars movie and killing her off after she says five lines.

Keanu Reeves may return as Constantine in a new film

Like....Matt Ryan?

What really bugs me is how stuff like this tends to get chalked up to a ‘passionate’ fanbase. Same thing happened when No Man’s Sky was delayed, some people sent death threats to Hello Games over it, and those people were *defended* by many in the No Man’s Sky community with the whole “Yeah, they shouldn’t have done

I mean, you should at least continue with a couple of paragraphs later..

So, I’m just going to ask the same question again, because I took the time to read the link you posted the first time.

OK but where does Polygon say (and I quote you), Sony were being “harassing” of them?  

it’s going to get worse fanboys. games are going to continue to become more inclusive and diversified across the bored. i want to say i hope they come around, but my real, spiteful hope is they can never truly enjoy their hobby ever again.

“I’ve watched these PC idealists destroy most of Hollywood over the last 7 years”

The “threats of violence” vs. “free speech” debate was settled 80 years ago.  Threats of violence are not protected speech.

Is this confusing to you? He’s saying people who dislike the game should be criticizing it instead of making death threats. Seems pretty clear.

Most internet trolls don’t have access to nukes or a direct line to the world’s most ruthless dictators. Trump’s more than just a troll. He’s dangerous.

It’s not just a video game to the insane right wing lunatics who are behind all of this.

Well we live in a time when just today, the president has scolded sports teams for considering changing their racist team names and asked a black NASCAR driver to apologize because NASCAR, not the driver, reported that a noose was hung in that driver’s garage. The leader of the United States is an internet troll, so


freedom of speech doesn’t exist on the internet? all of these websites are private property.