Ravenous Sophovore

Played it when it launched on PS4, and absolutely loved it. I’ve been waiting a long time for this thing to make it to PC (which I switched to for the launch of Destiny 2), AND it releases on my birthday.

Rowling has repeatedly suggested that bathroom bills will lead to more predation, which is not backed by any real data (surprise). A Republican senator cited her essay on the floor of the Senate to argue against the Equality Act.

Her essay includes almost no citations and contains demonstrably false information, such as her claim that transitioning among youth is driven by social pressure. Much like her other recent works, the writing is also shoddy.

I like how you call for adult dialogue while simultaneously implying that those of us criticizing Rowling are mindless idiots.

“Breaking news: JKR didn’t tweet anything transphobic today”.

No, because it’s actually a quite rigorous and extended process to get hormones prescribed. You don’t just go to a doctor and say “I’ve decided to be a lady” and they write you a script. The idea that gay men and lesbians too lazy for therapy are being overprescribed gender-transitioning medications by unscrupulous

I have trouble understanding why people have so many opinions about other people’s medical treatment. Who cares if psych meds are “over-prescribed”, unless it’s you that doesn’t need them? Why is it my business what meds trans people take? How does it hurt me if “too many” kids get ADHD meds?
(Spoiler alert, it

That’s one way to get people to pirate your shit...

What;s particularly disappointing about her decision to die on this hill -- who are trans people harming?! This fucking imagined war that TERFs are in with trans people is entirely of their own making. The most goddamn powerless group of people out there, and one of the richest women in the world wants to make sure we

Ok I’ll bite, what would “discussing this like adults” look like in this specific case?

The drug’s name is “money”. It’s got lots of other street names.

People are free to publicly and loudly disagree with a transphobe. Especially the ones who made her rich and practically gave her that platform and legitimized her where she’s now voicing her dumb, illogical, and harmful ideas.

Yeah, Rowling’s argument that HRT is just another form of conversion therapy, therefore we need to...convert trans people into realizing they’re actually gay is quite the feat of rhetorical gymnastics.

I haven't seen someone so effectively dig there own grave so thoroughly. 

Also there’s a massive difference in holding your silence after someone retweets false information about you personally and doing so when someone is posting porn after children’s art. Yet she seems to not only equavate the two, but both of those instances are used as examples of not going far enough to warrant a