Ravenous Sophovore

Honestly please stick with your PeasantStation5. And rejoice in easy to comprehend single digits!

I was really impressed that she managed to make Elizabeth and Aloy very distinct characters despite having the same voice.  

Improved Atmosphere. Fixes most of the outstanding bugs and bugged out content. Adds some actually good looking rogue armors (taken from DA2). Generally improves the, well, atmosphere of the game by adding animations to NPCs and giving the companions more things to do around camp.

The original plan was to have Hawke be the Inquisitor*, though. So it’s not like they wouldn’t consider letting us play as a former PC again.

Not just how unfair they are, but that they’re actually illegal.  Yeah, he thinks people criticizing him on Twitter trending is fucking illegal.

Do herbs eat paste?

Wow. That is some incredibly unsubtle phallic imagery.

One of the ways wolves are a keystone species not touched on in this article is keeping wildlife away from river and stream areas. Without as many predators, large prey animals would spend more time by rivers and streams, disturbing plant growth and adversely affecting aquatic life. With the reintroduction of wolves,

I’m pretty sure Odyssey is canon.

I don’t agree that it’s stupid, but that was removed for Odyssey.

Imagine caring more about a racist coffee table than people.

Conspiracy theories make people feel special, in the know, and smart.  Which makes them extra attractive to people who aren’t one or more of those things (and usually all three).

All the things you mentioned, though (Too much, not enough, too different, too much fan service), are all valid critiques.

Consumers are not guests, though. We’re paying for a product and there’s nothing wrong with critiquing something you paid for.

Well, first, a citation is definitely needed there.

2020 is just the gift that keeps on giving.

People who don’t want to wear masks, like Trump, should stick to their principles and not wear a mask, and go do stuff like nothing ever happened.

Er, no, I don’t remember ever thinking that.

5 CFR § 2635.702(c)

$59,000 and counting, huh? One born every minute...