Ravenous Sophovore

Huh.  I haven’t seen Blissey in gyms in a long time, other than when someone is doing a pink theme in a gym.  Then again, gyms aren’t super hotly contested around here.  

Over three years later I still get excited about new dex entries.

but would exclude Brazilians (as they speak Portuguese)

I thought Latino and Hispanic weren’t quite synonyms? Doesn’t Hispanic refer to people from Spanish speaking countries in South and Central America, while Latino refers to people from Latin America, regardless of primary language?

It’s always “the <others>.”. The Hispanics. The Blacks. The Jews. Usually followed by some stereotype or other reveal of his bigotry, like associating black people with inner cities or Jewish people with money.

Well, that and Kavanaugh had the added bonus of thinking that a sitting President is above the law.  

Hi tomato.

I’m sure kecleon and rotom will also be introduced in completely awkward ways despite there being lots of fun ways they could be included.

Honestly, it could have easily worked in Go.  Just have evolving a nincada trigger an encounter with it, the way that photo bombs trigger encounters.

A farting pokemon? Chimchar. It even lights its farts on fire:

This is also apparently not his first death threat to political opponents:

Nicalis, not Niantic. Sorry to be that person, but Niantic doesn’t deserve any accidental blowback. At least, unless Jason does an article on them, too.

If you’re suggesting that your industry doesn’t have people get fired and/or blacklisted for complaining or talking to the press about things that make the company look bad, you’re a liar or woefully naive.

Holy shit, I think I sprained my eyes from rolling them so hard at this comment. If you wanted to convince me you’re a naive kid, this did it.

Right? My first response was, “huh, maybe he’s grown up, realized what he did had larger implications and consequences, and is trying to change for the better.”

So, giving a nod to the conspiracy theory by suggesting that someone else was responsible for the choice of charity, and canceling the donation to appease the conspiracy theorists?  So, basically, affirming that you’re on the side of the bigots.

Like seriously what the fuck kind of industry exists where talking about a workplace can lead to fucking “retribution”?

Now I cannot unsee that.  

I don’t know, I view banning flavors that appeal to children more akin to trying to prevent products from being marketed to children than to prohibition. It’s like removing cigarette ads from television or stopping the use of mascots intended to attract the attention of kids (Joe Camel). Vaping itself will still be