Ravenous Sophovore

I’m thinking that someone this completely and irredeemably awful really disproves that whole “made in God’s image” thing, and probably God itself.

I mean, just on the Gawker network alone people have been talking about how much the justice system sucks and how abusive and/or negligent prisons are for years. There was just a John Oliver bit a week ago about how prisons and corporations (which are sometimes the same thing now, yay!) are abusing and scalping

because the overwhelming majority of prison suicides are also murder cover-ups

I think the range of reasons is pretty narrow. With #1 being enjoyment.

Fran and Penelo have zero growth whatsoever.

Yeah, the meat has to come from somewhere, but why do you want to be the one to execute it? Why is that important to you?

It’s not frontier times. The overwhelming majority of people nowadays (not all, of course) can simply buy their meat.

You’re creating an impossible standard, there. In order for it to be hunting for food, they have to hate hunting?

The funny thing is, the game itself encourages you to completely ignore the batshit A plot in favor of Squall’s development and the romantic plot tumor that runs along side it. IIRC, there’s a big infodump later in the game about what’s really going on and during the entire thing Squall’s interior monologue is

Yes. Preferably with something high caliber to kill them quickly and cleanly. They are a destructive invasive species, after all.

how many people hunt for food, but actually abhor the act of hunting and killing?

Ah, my apologies.  I am really bad at sarcasm.

Semi automatics are not belt fed and armor piercing rounds are already controlled by New Zealand law.

Modern day Pinkertons.

This is low even for you, tomato.

Not only that, but allowing them a path to citizenship or, at the very least, a way to get a work visa protects them from employer abuse like being underpaid or working in unsafe conditions.

And let’s not even go into how the plant is going to cope with workers lost.

Not really weird.  Just a deep and sad desire for attention.

Hi tomato.

I’m not sure that’s a point in their favor?  Being competent makes your ability to accomplish your evil that much more likely.  Competent Trump would be a nightmare.