I don’t know, I’d rate Jackson or Johnson as worse. But honestly, that trio would be the worst version of fuck, marry, kill.
I don’t know, I’d rate Jackson or Johnson as worse. But honestly, that trio would be the worst version of fuck, marry, kill.
Hi tomato.
Hi tomato.
Yes. I don’t see any wyvern riders there for Byleth or Hilda or any of the other female units.
Let’s assume this is true. Does this excuse this in any way? This is, at best, a highly disturbing image and, at worse, something that another MAGA bomber would take as a call to action. There is no time this would be acceptable political discourse, shooting or no.
It is really obnoxious how few magic using classes there are. It’d be less of an issue if physical classes could use magic (since the reverse is true except for gauntlets), so you could at least work on useful abilities from other classes while still dishing out magic attacks.
I don’t have Ingrid (she’s one of the last three holdouts for me), but I can’t see wyvern fliers as an option for any of my female units. I just checked. But I can see them for the male units.
If you’re asking that, man you haven’t played enough multiplayer games with trade functions.
And it was awful and grindy. Gatcha mechanics when stripped of all the psychology that makes them addictive are not fun. (They are fun when they’re all instant gratification and “one more try”, but that’s the problem.)
Apparently you missed that that isn’t new or part of this rule?
Hilda is recruitable, because her bond with Claude isn’t as deep as the other right hand people (for obvious reasons - they never met before he was formally acknowledged a year ago). But from what I understand, she’s difficult to recruit. Picked Golden Deer to start, though, so I haven’t tried it myself.
Not really related, but I am really annoyed by the gender locked classes this time around. It’s a vestigal mechanic from the original games that really doesn’t make sense or present a good look in a modern game.
It’s not a terrible first step, but human beings in general are just really bad at odds and statistics. Our brains aren’t really wired to understand them.
I forgot Astral Chain is coming out this month! I think those used games I picked up are going to have to wait another year.
Yeah, normally summer is for eliminating my backlog, but with at least 4 playthroughs of FE on the horizon I think I may be good through November.
Hi tomato.
Ah, yes, notable terrorist group Antifa, who has definitely killed people over... *checks notes* anti-fascism supremacy? Is that right, Judy?
“Oh dear,” says Tucker, “I hadn’t thought of that,” and promptly disappears in a puff of logic.
The ratio on that second tweet is delicious, unlike his chosen beers.
Don’t feed the tomato.