Ravenous Sophovore

I was more bothered by the fact that girlfriend needed three different bows to fire specific arrows locked to each bow.  I know it happens for gameplay reasons, but damn if that doesn’t make any sense.

I did archery in high school, but stopped in college due to lack of places to practice.  I should pick it up again, although I doubt my longbow has held up well after years of storage.

Not an expert, but:

Alloy also shoots arrows that freeze giant metal robots, set metal things on fire, blow parts off the robot without damaging them, somehow hacks a machine into attacking other machines, and delivers a nasty electric shock.

Let me see if I got this right. Despite the fact that science and medicine was sponsored by the Church (including many scientists and doctors being part of the Church), Christianity did not “promote” cannibalism in medicine.

You know who didnt cannibalize people or performed human sacrifices?

To quote Eleanor Shellstrop, this is the bad place.

Already answered this, kiddo.  But I realize that asking you to read before commenting is always asking too much.

Well, one, not everyone being detained crossed the border illegally. Submitting yourself at a port of entry and requesting asylum also gets you detained.

So, yes on the fetish?

Do you really like being wrong and publicly spanked on the internet? Is this a fetish?

Ours has the “distinction” of having the highest prisoner suicide rate in the country. I just recently had to write an application that allows the otherwise untrained employees of prisons and jails to assess suicide risk at intake and then every three months (with ways to see increase and flag high risk for

Applying for asylum is still legal.

I was just about to post this. There was a story just this morning on NPR about prisons being sued for cruel and unusual punishment for withholding treatment for mentally ill prisoners.

Nope, religion is stupid and backwards. However, I respect your right to believe whatever the fuck you want and that right should be protected so long as you’re not adversely affecting anyone else with your beliefs.

You don’t need to guess. His posting history is in black and white for anyone to see. He is a Trump supporting troll.

Hey, if you haven’t already, definitely talk to someone. Exercise helps, but therapy and medication plus exercise does much more.

I appreciate the offer, but I’m residing in the frozen hell known as Montana these days.