Ravenous Sophovore

That sounds like a good call. Using all that cortisol is probably a better idea than escapism.

Okay, I just played this for an hour and it is marvelous. The microtransactions are nicely hidden and so far don’t feel at all necessary. It’s got the same lovely meditative feel found in games like Flower, Journey, The Unfinished Swan, or Monument Valley. Flying is a joy. The scenery is gorgeous.

Yeah, it’s infuriating. It feels like a losing battle and the little we can do never seems like enough. And it makes me want to scream or drink or stress eat.

I mean, you could say that about boycotting a lot of countries. Maybe all of them.  Weird how it’s only Isreal that is illegal to boycott.

I’m a little bummed about microtransactions. I’d rather buy the game outright. But how bad they are really depends on how much the game tries to pressure you into buying them, either by making the game frustrating and grindy without them or by taking up a huge amount of the UI trying to sell them to you (or both!). It

One part lobbying, one part fear of being seen as antisemitic, one big part wacko Christian death cult.

Maayybeee. After he nicknamed them the “Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse” it’s going to be a hard sell that he really only meant three of them, though.  However, I have learned not to underestimate the amount of obvious gaslighting and lying his base will buy.

it’s acceptable to break the law and everything will be forgiven if you simply manage to get away with it for long enough.

Doubling down instead of admitting a mistake, are we?

I mean, just the title of the article debunks what you just said and makes you look illiterate. Hint:

Wait, it’s down to three “radical left” congresswomen?  Can we talk about how he can’t even remember that there are four of them?

Technically all the original characters are “Square IP” so it’s misleading but accurate.

Technically all the original characters are “Square IP” so it’s misleading but accurate.

I honestly can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.

I honestly can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.


Not worth it at that price, either.  Almost 90% filler, 9% sequel baiting, and 1% new story.  And that’s before we get into the pretty ugly misogyny on display.

Not worth it at that price, either.  Almost 90% filler, 9% sequel baiting, and 1% new story.  And that’s before we

There is the Mario Odyssey one that comes with two red controllers, although I think you have to buy it used now.

Part and parcel of racism is often believing there are “good ones”. The fact that Trump wouldn’t tell a Somalian refugee that liked him to go back to Somalia doesn’t in the slightest make him or his statements not racist.

One of those sovereign citizen “countries”, of course.

I didn’t say you said it was bad. I said the way you worded it made it seem that you thought it would be bad. I was explaining why you were getting the reactions, not putting words in your mouth.

Something less saturated would be nice. It’s great that electronics come in more colors than white, grey, and black, but they all seem to come in super bright saturated colors.