Ravenous Sophovore

Roy is far from the least useful character in all of FE (or even in his own game), but since the game forces you to use him he is definitely the most aggravating.

Yeah, although that’s a case of a prequel that focuses on a different generation, so, as you said, you don’t need to have played one to understand the other.

Worse, it made all the characters terrible parents. “Let’s stuff our kids in their own pocket dimensions all alone in the name of keeping them safe instead of with our massive army in its fortified base! Oh, none of them are actually safer there? Eh, what can you do?

Well, they’re mostly standalone. Radiant Dawn is a sequel to Path of Radiance.

I can answer that last question - there is a casual mode.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses does a much better job at balancing the horny anime wife simulator of Fates and Awakening with the serious, puzzle-y tactical combat that drew in fans of the early games.

I buy a lot of stuff from Amazon, because I live in a backwater with no shopping.

I always wonder how much the algorithm for these sort of “you may also like” features are influenced by outside factors like, say, how much money the owner of the product is paying for their product to get featured more often.

I’m thinking just skipping it.  Plausible deniability and all that.  “Oh, did I miss a question?  Silly me, I must not have seen it.”

Just buy some of those digital photo frames that cycle through all the files on an SD card. Cheap and they can be hung between the oversized portrait bought with foundation money and the fake Time magazine cover.

Jesus, you are an asshole. I simplified what I was saying too much, and now “I don’t comprehend basic arithmetic.” And now you’re deliberately being patronizing about things I already understand, and then admitting that it doesn’t make sense at the end.

Holy crap, and I thought I was pedantic. It’s not an accurate description of a percentage when the percentages can only add up to 100%. You cannot be 4167% of a whole.  Better?

Good lord, I’m done.  Have a nice day.

Please, it’s just good old Victorian values.  Women need a chaperone when out in public, dontchano?  Who knows what they might do to poor, unsuspecting men if left unattended.

If you think no one on the Left has had any problems with the power creep of the Executive branch over the last few decades, you’ve been living in a cave. Or under a bridge, more likely.

Okay? The challenge was to take a DNA test, though. Regardless of what it proves or doesn’t prove, that is what she was asked to do. She wasn’t asked to prove that she was a member of a tribe.

It’s definitely unconstitutional. From Article One:

Refusing to fill out the census entirely is a very, very bad idea. Not so much for you personally (although we’ll get to the potential consequences in a minute), but for democracy and for your neighbors. The census determines Federal funding for districts and representation in the House and in Electoral Votes. By not

I don’t know how that works well enough to answer that question. I’m not sure what your point is, though? The troll was for a genetics test, not to retroactively get admission to a tribe.

Assuming they ever worked out that thing where Trump wasn’t having his tweets archived as required by the Presidential Records Act (and who knows, because WTF would the consequences even be if he didn’t?), then some day, long in the future, some historian or political scientist is going to be reading these tweets as