She didn’t take the test to get admitted to a tribe, though. She did it because Trump promised to pay money to a charity if she proved she had Native heritage (which you don’t have to be a member of a tribe to have; why would you?).
She didn’t take the test to get admitted to a tribe, though. She did it because Trump promised to pay money to a charity if she proved she had Native heritage (which you don’t have to be a member of a tribe to have; why would you?).
I think it’s a Fruedian slip admitting that Warren is ~42x the person he is.
Did he go back to the White House, or just stay in DC? This article seems to say the later.
Have you ever dug in your heels and started inventing arguments to support your obviously false claims?
It seems like a health issue with close family, such as his wife, is also a possibility. Although that doesn’t seem like something that would need to be kept quiet.
Ah, the backfire effect. Where showing someone they’re wrong about something makes them double down on the thing they’re wrong about. Even when they weren’t sure about that thing prior to being confronted about it. One of the more annoying cognitive biases out there, to be sure.
I don’t remember having to do anything to make them pop up. They just started showing up around the time I did the Olympics quest. Which was weird, because the one there is apparently canonically after a quest in Athens that hadn’t happened yet.
He treats the presidency like a reality TV show. Tune in next week to find out what happened!
True, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Kassandra knows it’s a simulation, but treats the people she meets as real. For example (and SPOILERS), when she meets Phoebe in the underworld she acts like it’s the real Phoebe. The game also treats it as though the player should react emotionally like this is the real…
You need to find them. I believe all the free DLC sidequests are marked with a different color - blue, I think?
Is the photo indicating that we’ll finally get to Atlantis? The underworld has been cool, but I’d really like a peek inside an Isu city, not a simulation that no one in-universe treats like a simulation.
Green card holders would have no problem marking “non-citizen” on the census
I think it’s being decided by people who [...] don’t understand the consequences.
Of course there are factors that aren’t solely due to the US, but the vast majority of the problems are either directly caused by US involvement or indirectly caused by it. The violence now didn’t arise in a vacuum. The current violence is caused by the violence that preceded it.
The little box van from Ruby/Sapphire? It must be one hell of an off-road vehicle to take on some of those routes.
Someone already covered El Salvador, so how about Guatemala? When abuse from landowners and the American company United Fruit was brutally suppressed, the people of Guatemala democratically elected Arbenz to address the problem. In response (and in defense of our economic interests), the US organized, financed, and…
Honestly, most genre descriptors for games are difficult to define and/or opaque if you’re not already familiar with the genre. JRPG*s or shmups, for example. Or “Adventure” games. Or, heck, “Action Adventure” games.
Perfect username and comment synergy with that anecdote. How do people convince themselves of that nonsense?