
So you obviously have either paid no attention to the realities of Putins land grab in Ukraine, or you think Putin is doing the right thing. Either way it is obvious that you have no actual knowledge of what is going on.

F 18 took the place of the F 14. The F 15 is still in service today.

I love how tough they are, until the cops started to get out of the car. What a bunch of punks.

I agree

What a classy broad.


Thanks for making my day! I can just imagine you screaming at your computer while your veins pop out on your neck.

these were some stupid people. Not even trying to avoid that big ass wave

Don't think he was cold. He meant Schumi is going to race whatever he is in.

Where's the turbo gonna go?



I heard 1:28 with the E brake on, and pulling a trailer.

me too buddy. Me too

you can order membership online. They will send you a costco card with no picture on it. You have to have a new card made on your first visit.

aren't you a whiny little bitch. Do you wake up on the rag? Who cares what his name is. It's his screen name. People have better things to do than listen to asses bitch just to hear themselves. Woo hoo! Your a troll!

hahaha! I did too.

the answer is always aliens

I'm not 100% sure. Do you have any better proof?

watch out!!!!!! That little bastard is trying to kill you!