
Thanks for sharing the pic, and thanks for your service! You guys stay safe over there.

I want to make a claim against that SLR. Man that is a pretty ride.

White Zin works better. Something to do with the Gallos

I care bitch! And we are allowed to hate assholes like you.

You are a disgrace to humankind. I hope your children end up gay. Than what are you going to do? Disown them? You are the living example of a douchebag.

If you are even asking that question, than you just don't get it.

I bet if you put a hammer and sickle on your car in Georgia, quite a few people would care.

This is the best statement I have read on here in a while. Bravo!

I watched the video on YouTube, and it's at the same speed. Just with understandable screaming.

You're so cool for pointing that out. Will you be my hero?

I would have blocked that car in with my car, until the tow truck came.

Oh he's an asshat