
Name call away, I would have used harsher words, but your description totally works.

you might as well have links to breitbart or infowars, link to credible news sources if you want people to take you seriously.

Pretty stupid joke

Hold my beer

Are they alive or dead?

Anytime. Oh and that’s a pickup coupe

That’s exactly what a coupe means. Fixed roof and 2 doors

Well aren’t you just a bad ass. I’m glad I’m not a heartless douchebag like you.

I can’t either. This is just horrible to read, I opulent imagine seeing that. Those poor people.

so you think there aren’t racist democrats? Why does it always have to be politics with you ignorant fools? Why not just work on getting corrupt people out of office? Oh wait, because you conservatives thrive off of corruption.

You scared snowflake? Real Americans aren’t scared of immigrants.

I really just wanted to let you know how much of a giant douche you are. You may need to decompress in your safe space, and try to rid your life of the douchiness that seems to have grabbed a hold. You can do it snowflake!

Don’t forget the BMW fans. They’ll cut ya!

You have got to be kidding me. You have some amazing selective amnesia from the past 8 years.

It’s or so much bitching, as outright obstruction and racism.

I totally care.

But badges make you cool.

Same thing happens in Formula One, minus the tackle at the end. You seem to forget when the Mercedes teammates took themselves out. Happens in all of the racing series.

Sharks for the win

I know you're trying to be funny, but you really sound like a moron. Please stay on your moms basement and enjoy Netflix.