
Can I just point out that none of the states closest to North Korea (except Alaska, but nobody’s going to bomb Alaska) voted for Trump? Why can’t he pick a fight with an enemy off the Eastern seaboard so that at least he’s in the kill zone

Maybe the City was sending the delinquency notices to a different wrong accountant as well. This doesn’t appear to be anywhere near that large a development. Someone wasn’t minding the store.

I hear you. Fucking social resentment goes hand in hand with these new age “socialist” ideals. Let’s cheer when someone more successful gets screwed just because he or she has more money, and let’s all pretend that we’re all victims of a fucked up world. Sheesh...

Bought a lot of retreads in the early 80s. Had an old Pontiac that ate rear tires for some reason 😊

No, i call BS on that. Getting rich does not mean having taken advantage of your fellow man. There a decent amount of people who have just made a fortune of buying early into bitcoin or a house in one of the areas that have exploded in values. Or maybe they founded or were early in a company that did really well? of

I don’t understand this mentality. The residents were not incorrectly paying for this, the HOA was. Why are so many people excited to see “rich” people get hosed for something simply because they are rich? Sounds spiteful. Just because people have money, doesn’t mean it’s ok for them to get fucked over.

So because someone has more money then you that makes them dbags?

Sorry, but I have the opposite reaction.

Lol. You aren’t subsidizing their income unless you are paying more in taxes than them. In reality, we already tax the rich at a higher rate than the non-rich. They are subsidizing more shit than everyone.

Nothing is wrong with me, thanks for asking. I just subscribe to the theory that if I earn money, I keep money (after paying taxes). Yes, the rich should (and do) pay more taxes than the poor. However, I don’t believe it should be a law that the rich subsidize the poor.

Questioned after the game why he walked him, Moseley disdainfully replied, “Ask Siri, he has all the answers.”

What has this to do with being rich and white? Do poor, black people not use homophobic slurs? That would be a first.

I thought between South Park and Louis CK that we had come to an understanding that faggot no longer refers to gay people in common parlance, but rather, just people who are acting like... well, faggots. Like, I feel like the best way to take the power away from a slur is to turn it from being about a specific group

Kaepernick is maybe nominally better than them (I’d rather have Bortles), but most of them won’t be playing on a weekly basis and none of them force the coaching staff and the other players on the roster to answer questions that have little to do with football, thereby taking away from the team’s potential success as

Shouldn’t they leave them on all the time, for this very reason.

HA! Yeah, the VAXbar was pretty famous. If you ever get to missing VAX/VMs too much, you can get the SIMH emulator and a free copy of VMS 7.3 to run on it. I haev several real VAXen, but for everyday use I just use the simulator on my PC - cuts down on heat and fan noise.

I’m relaxed. It’s just the first thing that came to my mind when reading was mental illness and empathy kicked in. I’d also like you to relax and please stop sending people over to my place.

I can’t believe the NCAA let him play after compromising his eligibility by accepting a dozen baseballs. They really didn’t have their shit together back then, did they?

The system can be fucked up and overly complicated, but still be the system in place. He did not meet its requirements. The reason for the requirements seem obscure and unnecessary, but what they don’t seem to me is unfair or biased as described in this article. He wasn’t denied because he wasn’t the right color or