
About halfway through reading this review, it occurred to me (and I think the point in the stray observations about them reinforces my opinion): Tahani and Real Eleanor should be soulmates. Tahani would genuinely impress Real Eleanor, Real Elenor could actually teach Tahani the self-aware humility Jianyu was supposed

Yeah I agree with a lot of what people are saying here; this show seems to be at its best when it's focused more on being a sports team drama. The Moneyball stuff was great, watching the team bond and struggle with each other is great. I like Ginny and Kylie is a great focal point, but I'm more interested in seeing

ruturn rur rur ruvenge


this is absolutely the perfect time and place to start discussing our hopes and dreams for AS3

I will say that I was a bit disappointed by Alaska's final runway look! And Katya. IA, Detox was the only one who really killed if on that final runway. Roxxxy looked great too, but like for her (which means beautiful but not necessarily standout). Katya and Alaska both delivered looks characteristic of them but not

IA with this entirely. She's been in the bottom a zillion times, but there have only been a few of them (like her Snatch Game oof) when I thought it was whole-heartedly deserved and not due to overwhelming competition. She's been totally forward and shown her abilities mostly well this season. She hasn't necessarily

My face was still as stone at that stinger; I am as bored of making fun of Trump as I am about the man himself. The rest of the episode was pretty good, but my personal standpoint is that I've been sick of this election since months before the convention even, and I'm a super politically involved person myself! I

I mean yeah the show itself so far seems to be a little generic, but I was tearing up five minutes in so I'm going to be sticking around for at least a little while I think.

you think RPDR would ever let anyone break anything that they provided even if it was worth ten cents though???? (you know robbie turner had to pay for that lightbulb she broke) /sarcasm

My mouth was agape throughout the whole freaking episode OH MY GOD I can't even imagine what the show would be like if Pearl and Mystery Girl became an item I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE (…it would be far more entertaining than my long-seated adoration for Amethyst/Pearl, but I've been stuck on that since we first met Opal and

at least Helen of Troy got to fake smash a guitar???
(god I wish Phi Phi had actually smashed the guitar, but budget…)

I can't believe no one clocked Roxxxy for that weird shadow on her chin and neck as Eva Peron. I was so distracted by her neck and chin that I didn't get to see what the judges saw in her performance. I was really surprised she wasn't bottom, to be honest, but I also understand the choices they made.

Oh goodie we have another POS joining in belatedly on a conversation that is well and over complete with transmisogyny!!!

No you???

congrats on getting to use your high school biology knowledge?

but feeding the trolls is fuuuuuuun

Fittingly, I don't take back any of what I said either, but it's good to know that you're not a total jerk!

Well for those of us counting using real numbers this makes 15. Also I thought you couldn't read cow!! But then again, you also can't count soooo I can't tell where the truth stops and the lies begin. Yknow, I'm beginning to think you may not be a rich person with a million mansions!

Also I am dying to know where you're getting these numbers from or if you're making them up entirely because according to my Disquis profile (and my memory) I have made literally less than thirty comments on the entire avclub website