
I worry about Nina too. She was an early favorite for me, and I still like her, but she needs to get in a new space. Otherwise, she's going to be miserable forever, and she deserves better than that.

Same - like, I always got the sense she was super calculated and cunning, and I really respected that. That said, I am disappointed she's not quite talented enough for her calculations and cunning to really propel her to the stardom she thinks she already has. I think once she has earned her stripes and really becomes

After Alexis called Sasha's rainbow look "pedestrian" (just because pedestrians wear turtlenecks and gloves doesn't make it pedestrian, honey), it was EVERYTHING to me when Michelle used that word about Alexis's SUPER pedestrian rainbow look (thanks to Alexis, it was the first word that crossed my mind when she

I thought Justin might die at the end of the episode prompting a "and Liv hadn't even kissed him/slept with him yet!" response

I can't wait to see her in the reunion I fully expect her to prostrate herself to Ru and the others and then she will be a contender come All Stars 3

Also to be fair as much as Alexis' speech should have put her in the bottom, there's no way Valentina or Nina deserved to be in the bottom more than the other they were equally responsible for that terrible pilot and they were pretty even on the amount and level of missteps on the runway. That said, Ru has saved girls

Cutest boy? Ehhhhhhh even with her bad attitude I still stand by Nina being the cutest boy of the season. so tall and svelte and those cheekbones mmm

As someone who has had a huge friggin crush on Chris Pine for like thirteen years - ever since his oft-forgotten turn in Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement - I was so pleased by this episode. I feel like my teenage self having a picture of Pine ripped from Entertainment Weekly on her bedroom wall is feeling so

The new IT guy is basically Richmond from The IT Crowd and tbh I love it

so much change (that I didn't even catch it on my DVR because somehow I totally missed it had switched to Vh1 and I'm only watching it today!) - according to these comments, y'all are saying that the new stage is looking to be the new normal? ughhhhh #hateit also I loved Ru's yellow suit, but I did miss that

all hail our lord and savior avclub!

I hope the show is good! The movie had a lot of potential, but didn't quite go as far as I'd have liked myself. Considering these folks are already out, might as well bite hard.

No, exactly, but if I had it my way, it would've been the way Myles and I both thought it might've been going for a split second. TBH, I've always read Taylor as more asexual or just like sex-repulsed.

haha WHOOPS yeah well she said in an interview that that's how she always played it! So NOW you know!

also this is a ringing endorsement for ANOTHER year in the life because I can't not see the baby drama play out now, plus some real paris/doyle reconciliation, and jess and rory having it out for realsies (either getting together or getting truly over one another… or under one another badumching). plus now I super

Rory CANNOT have that child, just, a Huntzberger/Gilmore baby would be the death of the known universe in so many ways. Plus, I do not want to see Logan in that capacity.

"I could have maybe taken the child labor situation with Rory and Lorelai at the pool on its own, but the bodyshaming was a whole other shade of unlikeable, and I did not care for it."

"For a second I thought Gypsy was trying to out herself, honestly. It was a weird scene."

I want to add that The CW is on a roll with wise abortion storylines after another B-storyline abortion plot on Jane the Virgin this season. Honestly, I'm so happy these shows are handling the topic and not shying away from using the dreaded word itself.

I said TAHANI and Eleanor.