
Excuse you it was The BachelorETTE!!!!1!1!1!1!1!

*cries tears of bitter cow sadness into her extra large extra cheese pizza before looking towards her altar dedicated to Ginger Minj*

You're right. You have me pegged. All I want is attention!!! I just wish someone would save me from my pitiful lonely sad life. Oh Italia 458driver, won't you be my savior????? Won't you stop rebuffing me and instead offer me the life I truly want but don't deserve because I'm just such a bad bad person?????

Ever the observant one, Willam. Don't forget to use thick enough foundation to cover that five o'clock shadow.

Oh you're a trans person? Oh goodie; you're a real compliment to the trans community with these hardcore judgmental and asinine comments. :)) Have fun at your real big homes!! I hope they fill those empty spaces where your brain and heart should be.

I wasn't trying to go hard at first, in case you missed my original comment. However, due to this influx of strong opinions against my original (yes, strong) opinion, has caused me to go on the defensive because I was, in the words of Laganja Estranga, feeling "very attacked." I do not disagree that unfortunately tone

WOW you're a real treat of a human being aren't you???

Well maybe I'm just not like these folks in that I don't tend to go out of my way to show that I disagree with something unless it matters to me in a significant way (for example, wanting respectful terminology recapping a show that has come under hot water for using dehumanizing terminology in the past). I would even

Yknow what takes the fun out of the show discussion??? When people are like "it's nbd" instead of just saying "yeah that wasn't cool lets fix it and then move on." Sure, this is just a RPDR recap post, but RPDR has features multiple trans women contestants/former contestants and trans guests and is on a network that


(I'm calling out the author of the recap for using the term when referring to Tati's spoken word)

So what does biological woman mean? If you're going to invoke genitals, just be blunt about it or use cis woman or AFAB (assigned female at birth). Having a dick doesn't mean you can't be a "biological" woman.

I didn't remember that, but I can bet Katya did it on purpose; that's the kind of thing she would do

complaint: "biological woman" gurl u kno that ain't cool u've seen this show long enough right???

I was really hoping for a "Zuko Alone" type episode with Jasper before she reappeared in the plot (which might have, for instance, helped build some momentum to this confrontation with Lapis), but I have to admit that I was so excited when the fishing rod broke all "IT'S JASPER" because hell yeah plot!

Thank you for sharing your opinion, but it is wrong.

"(Has Kofi never eaten cold pizza for breakfast? You’re missing out, my dude.)"

NO. MORE. PUPPY. DEATHS. #ghostandnymerialivehappilyeverafter

I think Dougal is just a very contradictory person, who thinks he is one way but is actually another. He thinks he's very honorable and doesn't hold with rape, but then gets drunk and tries to rape Claire. He thinks he is a great leader and warrior, but then he gets too impatient to actually bother with what he needs

Will it count if it turns out The Waif is actually Arya and Arya kills "The Waif" side of her?