
Thanks for the tip. Definitely trying it out

Yeah, when they land on that apocalyptic wasteland Earth and the series cuts to black. Great ending!

California has a ‘castle doctrine’ which is not the same as a ‘stand your ground’ law. You are fucked unless you can prove that your truck is also your residence (good luck with that one).

How could they not compare wet versus dry sponges? Surely storing your sponge in a way that allows it to completely dry between uses affects the environment the bacteria prefer?

Lol, trying killing or hurting someone in self defense in California. To save you some time: if you are the person operating in self-defense, I hope you enjoy prison.

e: oops wrong article!

This sucks. I prefer smaller seats because it means I actually get to have my own space without having to share (as much) with the world’s fattest, smelliest traveler.

You’re just brainwashed. The reason nobody uses jughandles is because they are actually much less efficient than other traffic control setups.

I’ve been using “brainjacking” wrong my whole life. Damn.

It’s beautiful!

Probably gonna see this one at a loooot of raves.

I used to hate day light savings but now that I have been working nights this last year..it’ll be nice to see the sun again.

PewPewDie is right because he shouldn’t have to restrict his speech on a platform that allows waaaay worse shit. He’s also wrong because he doesn’t own that speech platform.

I love that this kind of thing is a massive, major, terrible letdown for NASA but every other space agency would be celebrating that the probe hasn’t spontaneously combusted yet.

You should check out CSGO if you want to see what a true obsession with skins looks like

I hope Trump actually tries to do something drastic and keeps doing so without relenting. Change does not happen until a man is pushed to the brink. I want to see people flip out and get revenge. Fuck Trump. No mercy. This is war now.

Don’t forget to report this breach of security to the FBI. This is clearly a crime!

Nic Cage

It’s the perfect way to get pumped for model trains!

I work at this definitely non-technical company called Orange and the phrase “pennies on the dollar” is my first thought when I think about work (it is exactly as bad as you guys think).