TE71 Xin

Because even the most cursory research into this would have shown what a scam it had to be from the start. Anyone who has been to Exuma or researched a trip to there would know that there’s no way the island could support an event of this scale. The airport is essentially 2 rooms and gets a few flights in and out per

I am having hard time feeling too sorry for a guy named William Finley IV. But that’s just me.

I have these weird feeling that the people that went there deserved it... I really dont know why...

easily appreciated schadenfreude.

You can’t brag about being the kind of person that buys a specific car. You can’t brag about how such a car came into being. You CAN brag about excel spreadsheets of facts and figures that really have no real value in the real world and will most likely never actually be touched in every day life. Thats where the hate

omg i’m going in a works cited????

i have a hunch this “manager” is really marlowe from 30 days of night

The driver in the car..... “WHAT THE FUCK YOU FILMING IN PORTRAIT FOR”

There was a good guy with a gun off-screen.

They don’t have Burnie scowling at them from the back of the room anymore.

It will crush everything in the NHRA’s new ‘tow vehicle’ class.

I have a story that is more from my parents perspective, but I was there.

Neutral: Let’s say you’re the head of a major carmaker (congrats!) would you be doubling down on EV development now, or staying true to what works with traditional crossovers?

I got hit by the side mirror of a small delivery while biking once. Hurt like a mother, and pushed me into a parked car. Luckily I was already slowing down for a red light so no major damage, BUT the passenger in said truck looked backwards out the window at me and smiled as he corrected the mirror. Oh no mother

Found the lonely unmarried bastard.

I think you misspelled “some of the most disgusting things in humanity” over the years. Unless you think murder, advocating violence against Jews, Christians, Gays, or any other ethnic minorities, imprisonment for blasphemy or regional terrorism as just “questionable” behavior. Any hint of someone advocating this in

I would rather have the Malaysian Grand Prix than the European Grand Prix in Baku Azerbaijan. What a terrible track.

I didn’t know Kinja allowed YouTube accounts to comment. Hmm.

That’s a lot of words for not caring.