TE71 Xin

Plum Crazy trumps ALL of them motherfuckers!

You really love eating the Elon asshole.

Want to wipe really them out? Make it one random tiny part of the hog, some pea sized gland. THAT will wipe them out. 

Sounds like you’re upset your buddies are chickenshits who got chased out of town by some uppity colored folks. Where’s Matt Gaetz when you need him? He’d have stood up to those bullies from Philadelphia. If Ben Shapiro was there, he’d tower over the rowdy dozen and protect the fascists freedom to be fascist.

How many of them are new, $100,000+ vehicles? A few Ferraris burn, which are covered here, but you want them to write an article every time a ‘02 Buick catches fire? Plus, there’s a difference between a gas fire and lithium battery fire.

And people blame china for taking out a page of ye olde western colonial playbook and using it themselves lol

Counterpoint: it’s not a slideshow.

If they weren’t meant to cook kebabs, they shouldn’t have put ‘Lamb’ right there in the name. 

The Chinese people can do MUCH.  The power that gained dominance over the people is the problem.

...I find it impossible to care anymore about anything Hamilton says...

“You provided nothing to back up any of your claims in this article.”

If I win the lottery, my automotive plans are as follows:

Today, I saw and was able to stop one of the littlest old ladies I’ve ever seen, who was driving this:

What do you mean?  They have now been properly seasoned and are ready to go.


You don’t put out a lithium fire, you cool it to the point where it doesn’t want to stay on fire. Water does this quite well. 

The circle must be completed.

Racing in corrupt countries is Formula 1's MO...