TE71 Xin

Much of the time I’ll say, “Should’ve looked at the city codes before you acted” and other times not, but honestly I think the codes are just wrong here.

From the antique firetrucks to these old military vehicles, commercial they do not seem to be. We made the laws and we should clarify them to make exemptions for

I agree that we should have it, and trust me it took a lot of willpower not to say that in the post! As a lowly random employee and weirdo in Los Angeles, far away from the company AND the parent company, I haven’t a clue what’s going on as far as plans are concerned.

Yup, I have wide ones on my Jeep because I’m too cheap to buy narrow ones. :/

“We plan to have it ready in time for Moab”

I would not day “nothing.” The track two talks were an attempt and efforts were made to work with Pyongyang.

Petition Edd to go help the project binky boys instead!!

its asymmetrical now

The devs call it a “massively multiplayer online game” so that’s what we decided to go with. I am now having an existential crisis about what makes an MMO, though. :)

The Russian problems with lack of proper maintenance and trained personnel don’t just go back 25 years, they were baked into the soviet conscript military model. They were never able to retain the needed backbone of long term NCOs and support personnel that the US and other western militaries have. They’ve always

THIS is my Top Gear. This was the show I discovered over a decade ago and of which immediately fell in love with every aspect. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to extend the notion that Edd’s THE best overall mechanic gearhead TV personality (Love Mike Brewer as well of course) out now particularly because he doesn’t come

We’ll have to agree to disagree. The client got zero points on his license when he certainly would have gotten two points if he had fought it (or not fought it, for that matter).

Oh I see. You think you’re the arbiter of who is “real car people”.

Now playing

It’s entirely pointless comparing RUF and Singer. They exist in different universes. The point is how to secure one of each.

The trio weren’t the trio, for the first couple of seasons, either.

...FCA owners’ ennui.

Chairman Kaga, what’s the theme for today?

I wouldn’t limit to age, but more powerful, sportier car should require a special driving license. It doesn’t make sense that the same license that is valid to a Toyota Yaris is valid to a Ferrari 488 or a Porsche Turbo S.

Fucking hell. I’m sitting on the couch right now with my 4-year old daughter snuggled against me. I cannot imagine a more horrible thing to experience. My heart goes out to that father.

Also, “extremely corrupt” is Brazil. Russia is not there yet, hopefully will never get there.