
Thank you for this response. It'll be interesting to see how Apple gets around this issue in iOS 5.

Dude, chill out, I'm not trolling. But you are incorrect, iOS does not have true multitasking (with some exceptions of course). Now if you have something useful to bring to this discussion, please feel to join the rest of us.

Does this really matter as much on iOS since it does not have true multitasking?

A great song from a great movie.

I think the bigger issue here is not so much the consumers choice, but rather the fact that AT&T-Mobile would be the only option for regional carriers when it comes to roaming. Allowing AT&T to purchase T-Mobile would efectively wipe out the competition and really screw small regional GSM carriers like Cincinnati

How is that photo chopped?

Okay, I wasn't going to reply to your first comment, because meeksdigital did a decent job (props dude, heart clicky). But you have clearly demonstrated that you know nothing about the subject. Most pilots of vintage warbirds are either seasoned aerobatic pilots and/or fighter pilots (usually retired). It is seen

They only recently started selling it here in Ohio. Personally, my cheap beer of choice is Simpler Times Lager from Trader Joe's. $3 for a six pack, they taste great, and at 6.2% ABV they give you quite a cheap buzz. The pilsner sucks though.

Man, you are getting good use out of that photo and phrase.

I totally agree. I sprayed the outer rim of my gf's black steelies with chrome paint and they look sick.

I don't think they would have approached from behind because the speed that they would have to fly at to catch, hit, and inflict damage to the tail would be approaching mach... not to mention that the tail (assuming vertical stab) is a much larger target from the side than the back. That being said, you have to

It's insulting tho say that they would have put their lives before the mission. Any member of the armed forces (myself included) would take that as an insult.

The moment they climbed the ladder and jumped in the cockpit, they were dead. They were only saved by the actions of the passengers of flight 93.

But they weren't going to do that. To do the most damage to an aircraft heading for the nations capitol, they would have to ram their F-16's into the 757. There is no surviving that. No chance at all. They knew that and they did not hesitate for a second.

Exactly. You can load AIM-9 missiles onto the wings in no time at all. The engine wouldn't have to be shutdown either. But unless they have live missiles loaded onto a trailer on the flightline (which they wouldn't have for obvious safety reasons) it takes a bit of time to pull them out of storage.

But that's not what they were going to do. They didn't know what the intentions of the hijackers were and they did not have time to 'try' to take it down. If they had the time, they would have loaded two AIM-9 missles onto the wing rails and taken it out that way. The pilots were fully intent on taking that 757

Shit, thanks for the heads up. hopefully this works.

You have it half right. The ammo drum does not come out though. the rounds (20mm x 760 rounds if I recall correctly) are loaded individually into the aircraft via a conveyor belt of sorts. Takes about 10 mins for a full load.

To all of those that think that they would survive a collision with an airliner simply because the the F-16 has an ejection seat, you are absolutely wrong. These pilots were ready for death, they would have riden it straight into their perspective targets (the cockpit and tail as Phil L. pointed out in an earlier

Hell, they ran a story on this a while back.