
Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

Currently, we are doing just that at Boeing with the F-16/QF-16. They will initially be used for Full Scale Aerial Targets (FSAT) like the QF-4 and QF-106, but I would not be surprised if the AF asks us to weaponize it at some point. Just mt opinion though.

Indeed. The blackest of ops.

A quad-redundant digital fly-by-wire flight control system utilizing gyros, accelerometers, air data inputs and various other sensors would have no problem keeping the aircraft stable.

No, but they used a 1.8" HDD. c010rb1indusa is simply saying that Apple should have used the form factor as a template for their SSDs.

Instead of using projectors, you could make it out of the 3D TVs that no one buys! And, after wearing those glasses for 10+ hours at work, you wouldn't even notice them when watching Ghost Rider 3D after work!

I'm not try to bash your opinion or anything, but what about this article warranted this comment? Because Jesus Diaz mentioned the Muslim faith once during the article?

The ban has been lifted. If my memory serves me correctly, Lucid was the first to be imported.

Or you could just check your mirrors every few seconds to keep an eye on what is going on around you. Proper situational awareness far outweighs "advances" such as these. Every time something like this finds it's way into automobiles it causes some people to become lazy, and rely on it.

Thanks for the tip. I think I may have to try this over the weekend (especially the latter part).

And all Android and Windows Phone users would collectively *face palm*.

Beautiful shot of an absolutely gorgeous bird. Well done sir.

Ummmm... Generally speaking, I usually proof read my posts before insulting others on grammar and spelling. Just a thought.

"7 inches is the sweet spot!"

This was literally the only thing that bothered me about this movie... That and the part when he's accelerating while crossing the bridge and the traffic is going the same speed. I can forgive these discrepancies because everything else was spot on.

...And a real hero...

For what it's worth, the Nexus line has always received the latest software until just this year when the Nexus One did not receive ICS. Of course, Nexus One owners can still run ICS, just in a different flavor, in the form of a custom ROM.

I believe he was referring to the resolution. 480 x 320 vs. 960 x 640.

...From the iCloud?

It seems fitting that I'm watching "Sunshine" right now.