You keep nerding!
You keep nerding!
Did y'all know that March of Dimes began as a campaign for donations to the campaign to eradicate polio? People sent tons and tons of dimes to the FDR White House?! I learned this in the excellent Polio: An American Story.
is this why I ate the entire bag of rolos that I brought in to share with the office?
The already-existing menu for tonight was mac and cheese, so apparently I'm psychic.
Savory: french fries. Sweet: chocolate cake. I'm a woman of simple needs.
nest of leftover mashed potato, crack in an egg, cover with grated cheese, cook in a covered frying pan till the egg is set the way you like it, serve with salad or fresh veggies, been a go-to easy supper since college
Brit here, so this might be gobbledegook to a lot of you: Toad in the hole with proper plump 90% pork Lincolnshire sausages. I put onions in the bottom of the tin, and the Yorkshire pud batter is always crispy round the edges and doughy in the middle, and crispy on the bottom. And oily. And oniony. And sausagey. Oh my…
My husband's making mac and cheese with kielbasa tonight. MMMMM ZZZZZZ.
Right now I am eating tomato soup and garlic cheddar biscuits. I didn't even know it was comfort food day, this is just what I crave when I have a cold.
Next headline:
I love that clip because people seem to love data when it comes with sports, but not when it comes to really important things, like climate change.
Ahhhh, BOOGERS!!! ::kills all social media programs::
Okay. So, Tampona it is.
Bad wax statues might be the only thing I love without question.
I'm laughing like a loon over those wax statues of David and Victoria Beckham. OH MY GOD. I have zero artistic talent, but I could do a better job with my earwax and hair pulled out of the shower drain.
He is 18 and he's been criminally charged as an adult. Nothing unusual about identifying him.