To assumme nothing and to be open minded is the hardest thing in the toxic enviorment we create for ourselfs.
Thank you for beeing logical in this matter
To assumme nothing and to be open minded is the hardest thing in the toxic enviorment we create for ourselfs.
Thank you for beeing logical in this matter
So.. lemme get this straight
“When I was your age I could go all night.’ He put his hand on my arm. ‘I just want one more night like that.’””
WAS considered Sexuall Harrasment on her part, she then went on to talk to HR isntead of taking the convo to him - and HR told her that her behaviour was rightously wrong and now…
Remember when Dreamhack was framed for matching Matches back in 2015?
No? Me neither because it got swooped under the carpet preeeeetty fast...
and do not forget, what ever you name her necklace it will be her final guardian to be summoned.... she IS Ultimecia; beeing a Witch she outlived her friends - possible got banned and locked up and she wanted to compress time to a point where she was happy..
but the original source going back to 2007 has been removed;…
THIS was actually explained about 10 years prior... so im reaally frustrated right now that they decided to throw that under the bus / into the bin.... but hey.. GoingKojima and rewriting lore as it seems fits is a common thing these days
This is actually bullshit since most of it has been confirmed in earlier interviews 10 years prior..... like every other company, they rewrite their own.
I was waiting for more community based stereotype jokes like...
- So a black guy, an alcoholic and a blind come into a chinese restaurant...
After DL the patch (Origin) all my config has been reseted and the settings can no longer be customized; I have to select a preset setting-
anyone else with similiar issues?
Yes, this as well. They wanted to end their normal developedment of commonly game development because it wasnt lucractive in comparisment.
However - I would agrue that with an episodical (pack) release of MGS5 Konami woulda stayed on board.
If you make a decent mobile game it takes about 6month which refinances great…
Truthfully? He overextended his time table 4 times on MGS5 and Konami wanted to make a buck.. It was said at the Ground Zeroes release it will be 3 month before Phantom Pain comes.. and then it got delayed 18 month... just because Kojima broke his first rule ever.
He always says he never plays his own game (explains…
aaah nooooo godzillaa.. noooo godzillaa...
nuff said
3 questions to you made:
- How often do you play
- How many classes you have on 60 ; esp. crafting and gathering?
- Do you have retainer and ventures?
Because on my 8 retainers alone I make ~aprox 500-1kk gil/week for the 18h ventures each day (bringen back allagan gil sacks, minions who sell for 300k ea); crafting…
Now if we only get to touch Kasumi.... *___*
wrong.. those who manipulate GPS data to fight in arenas AND hold them from home (lets say 2 miles away) and NEVER EVER physically visited those arenas are nothing but trash;
while you put 500feet/meters/whatever between you and 2 arenas to battle, they simply see their pkmn has been kicked out - go GPS back in and…
The funny and fuzzy part about this is, that niantic is ignoring GPS faker and android emulation systems.. those players have been blocking arenas for free coin each day (10coin per day for as many arenas as possible).
their own stuborness resulted in players getting up to 150 coins a day.. thats money they lose..…
People in my area are visibile using GPS to dominate arenas; they have been reported countless times and they are still allowed to play.
NT does not understand that their behaviour ruins their infrastructure due to the free pokecoins they get
ahahahahaha... no.. youre wrong; over here in germany we had a guy called D4s (Dforce) who used EPROMs to burn ROMS and Translation; placed em into another cartrdige - put a label +sticker on it and sold it for 400+ on ebay; even after getting reported that toxic piece of sh** didnt stop because he knew - collectors…
That one gave me a shukkle.
Play Smash NGC on a 3:4 CRT TV and hook it up to an LED/LCD/PLASMA and you get .3 or mor latency spikes from resolution filtering; its the same with ps4 pro and Tekken7.
On 4K it generates visibe input delay esp. if youre used to - lets say 720p settings instead of 1080 or now 4k
black lives matters!!!
pretty sure that was the reason behind halo5