
- Knowledge of my field of work (Journalism, GameDesign, Software)
- Pior experience (Projects, Examples, Articles)
- Reasons to apply for this position

- 2/5/10 year goals optional
- what you wanna bring to the project
- what you wanna do within the project

I think you are a troll. Because the only thing that Trollita Complainian did accomplish was to point out that there are less female workers in the industry then she likes to. Since then we had an increase in unqualified developers and journalists who participate in a workfield where they do NOT bring the required

David Kim recently left the Starcraft2 Balance team, one would assume he moved on to Overwatch to mess up stuff there.. :’D

Even clone&stormtroopers need to unwind and get down..
Because ~It’s great to be in the -- Empire Today! ♫

ofc its not the games fault. its facking kojimas fault. stop highlifting the man to godhod and give credit where credit is due and the fact is: the last few years he has turned into an asshole.

end of story, i wont support him and neither should people.
same goes for DICE and EA.. but youre all weak so you keep throwing

“you know as a kid... i was quite the detective”
—- Ted Mosby

Now playing

Honestly, this looks like BMS recruitment, just worse

Actually, this was handed to SE by Disney due to the KingdomHearts Rights and as far as I remember - Disney wanted a presence in FF games and SE said.. nope - KH is enough

ooh look, hes retarded :/

its censorshop if SJW are responsible for this action since its clearly in the original game, it just has to be modified for a more ~complaining market..

This has been going on in Europe and propably the rest of the World for at least 3 Month. Myself, beeing in Germany had been contacted by Reelio in mid/ late Decemeber to place some adds, so have several Youtube and Twitch Users I know.

Its a dareing attempt of a Snowball-Structure; since every PWE Game has an ingame