Yeah, I call bullshit all around.
Yeah, I call bullshit all around.
Herp derp! You’re a fucking moron.
Maybe your opinion is meaningless in the face of the masses who disagree with them.
Hey, cunty, fuck right on off with your sad little self.
That’s not tasteless.
Just horrible.
Um, no, and fuck off - that film was a steaming pile of shit.
Pedestrian at best.
Will Eisner says, “Go fuck yourself”.
NO, it’s objectively bad.
Absolutely, a real sad piece of shit. The asshole director tried to defend his work after getting ripped apart by critics and YouTubers and only ended up sounding like a complete insufferable prick of a moron.
At what price of image quality and framing?
In the pantheon of shitty Gizmodo writers, Alex Cranz is vying for top of the heap.
Jesus Fucking Christ, you dumb bitch, that's the normal cycle.
You “knew it”? “Knew” what? What the fuck do you claim to have “known”, asshat?
So io9 is becoming fucking Sploid now?
Pre-CU or not?
Well, that’s what happens when you out people without permission (Thiel included), and libel others by making false claims about rape, etc.
Fuck that traitor.
How is Jordan Sargent still employed here?