That cop added NOTHING to the conversation. In between cheerleading the kids, he kept going back to his “3 things” which were essentially “give the police more power.”
That cop added NOTHING to the conversation. In between cheerleading the kids, he kept going back to his “3 things” which were essentially “give the police more power.”
Senators Toomey and Manchin are looking to reintroduce their background check bill. The same one that failed in 2013 after Sandy Hook. Results pending.
How would Rubio no longer accepting donations from the NRA prevent atrocities like this from happening again? I’m very sorry for to what happened, it is truly tragic, but you cant affect change by going up on stage and asking such an inane and irrelevant question. All you end up doing is satisfying your ego and maybe…
My God you people are hostile and naive to even THINK these questions/solutions would help our country or end mass shootings. In short: they won’t. THIS is why you don’t think on emotion or use the death of loved ones to further your agenda. The NRA is not powerful because of money, it has power because many people,…
Are these the hard questions? This is theater. There has been a lot of great writing from policy or policy-adjacent people this week, but distraught teens yelling, “NO MORE GUNS, PUPPET,” at Rubio is just fodder for Outrage Twitter and The A.V. Club (but I repeat myself).
Criticize him all you want, but you have to respect a man that stands by his principles in the face of such impassioned opposition. Etiam si omnes, ego non.
He knew what he was in for. Credit to him for going and taking it, and listening, even if he had few right answers.
These kids are gonna go back to school tomorrow, have a normal day of class, and none of them are going to die because Florida declined to ban barrel shrouds and shoulder things that go up.
Was she planning on committing a mass shooting? If I scrap my car, will you share a video saying that I’m preventing more car crash deaths?
Well, it’s not like we didn’t know Dinesh D’Souza was human garbage.
Contributions from the NRA aren’t even enough to bribe millionaires with. Have a look at contributions from the real game players.
You’re proposing people give up something with no guarantees they get it back. Only a scatterbrained numpty head would take an offer like that. Respect don’t even enter into it.
You’re going to get zero volunteers to give them up to maybe/possibly, some point in the future get them back based on an undefined set of criteria. Grandfather them in.
How much are the Russians paying you to be this derisive? Or are you some alt-right troll trying to get everyone to at each others throats. You’ve really got the strawman ultra-left winger thing down but it’s a little too extreme to be believable. Why don’t you give it a rest for a bit and let everyone have a…
OP said they weren’t aware of any deresion of individual gun owners. CSP mentioned a fairly common one bandied about frequently on GMG site. I guarantee it happens here, A LOT. CSP then made the connection to the same insult made to sports car owners.
I want more gun control l but I happen to also own a few firearms. It’s possible to want both and be on the same side. Demanding purity from a potential ally who doesn’t 100% line up gets you little except resentment.
I’d lay $37k CA for it, what’s that like $9 USD, shit I’ll give them a $20 and let them keep the change
“I wish gun owners were dead”
Proving his point...