lets get behind something that could actually work.
lets get behind something that could actually work.
I think a lot of people don’t realize that in these countries when the illegal weapon does get used, penalties are massively more severe, which does have an influence on the rate of gun crime.
I mean, is there any amount of other peoples money you won’t spend?
Your argument is self-defeating; if your feeling unsafe enough is your criterion for justifying gun ownership then the obverse must also be true, which is that there isn’t enough danger from guns to warrant your attention. It does illustrate what I’ve noticed about nearly everyone arguing for gun bans, which is that…
You cannot grow an AR-15 in your shed or make it in your bathtub.
It had air wings, that had no choice but to come with it to space.
Splinter advocating for creating millions of new criminals. Wonderful.
And rapid fire assault weapons are almost as nearly useless as well.
If you’ve ever tried to handle a weapon of any sort in a confined space, even an airsoft gun, you would realize how much you are talking out your ass right now with shotguns being “plenty”. Shotguns are touted as the “home defense weapon” because they’re loud and scary, but in reality if you ever had to use one inside…
If the members of the NRA were actually participants in any of the ‘mass shootings’ that you tout, then your accusation of the NRA being a terrorist organization would have more merit. The NRA is mostly about firearm safety/ self defense education, as well as legal education about gun rights and hunting, and sport…
Alright, let us do that, you need a two-thirds majority of both houses and three-fourths of the states have to ratify. Odds of that happening, well, how do you feel about being struck by lightning constantly for thirty or forty years.
Your anti-gun/NRA diatribes are not helping because you are pushing a no-compromise solution that calls for a ban on ALL guns, and condemning the NRA for supporting what our country has already conceived of, and wholly accepted as constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Our “gun problem” is actually a problem of our…
Here’s the link for the gun-rights groups.
So many organizations can be deemed as terrorist via these basic comparisons. Feels like you shot yourself in the foot with this article.
Unlike you. I actually did look it up. Politicians get very actual little money from gun groups:
“Basically everyone knows we’d eliminate the vast majority of gun deaths in this country by eliminating handguns, and the vast majority of spree murders by eliminating military-style rifles like the AR-15 and its variants. It would be exceedingly difficult to seize every one of these weapons currently on the…
I guess you’ve not heard of the Khyber Pass region? People living in caves can make fully automatic weapons with hand tools.
But it’s less about money, and more about voter mobilization. The amount of money the NRA actually pays to campaigns is pretty minuscule (they only donated $1,085,150 to campaigns during the 2016 election cycle). But when the NRA sends out their listserve emails saying ‘vote against candidate x’ the people who get…
Mike wins this one. Space wings Raph...space wings?!
You mention the Nazis, yet you ignore their rise to power. The ideas presented in the 2nd Amendment to The Constitution of the United States are that of George Orwell’s Rifle on the Wall; we have a right and an obligation that should our government cease to protect our rights as citizens, as they represent us, we have…